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No. 351. —Petition of J Kerb and Others, of Tuapeka. The petitioners ask for an extension of the line of railway to Eoxburgh. No. 352. —G-. Walkee and Others, of Tuapeka. The petitioners ask for the extension of the Lawrence line of railway I am directed to report that the Committee refer these petitions to the G-overnment. 24th September, 1881.

No. 362.—Petition of F E. Hamlet. The petitioner claims that his services may be recognized by the House, and states that the law in its present state will not admit of his services being recognized by a land grant. I am directed to report that the Committee, having considered the case of the petitioner, adhere to the decision arrived at in 1877 24th September, 1881.

No. 365.—Petition of Justin McSweeney. The petitioner complains that the administration of justice at Napier by Mr. Kenny has been marked by arbitrary and unfair decisions, and prays that the Government will inquire into the matter. I am directed to report that the Government make inquiry into the statement made by the petitioner. 24th September, 1881.

No. 366.—Petition of C. H. "Withehbt, of Auckland. The petitioner states that he receives a pension of Is. per day, having been wounded in action at the Bald Hills; that he is unable to get a living at his employment of engineer; and prays that a sum may be granted to him to take him to his son in Victoria. I am directed to report that, taking into consideration the fact that the petitioner was wounded in the service of the colony in the field, the Committee recommend the payment of the petitioner's passage to Victoria, as prayed for by him. 24th September, 1881.

No. S67.—Petition of G-eeytown Town Council and Others. The petitioners pray that the House will take steps to have the Greytown Police Station reopened, and a resident constable again stationed there. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that the subject-matter of the petition is one for the Government to deal with. 24th September, 1881.

No. 370.—Petition of H. Ceispe and Others, of Pukekohe. The petitioners pray that the road from Pukekohe West, through Waiuku, may be drained, formed, and metalled throughout. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that the petition be referred to the Government. 24th September, 1881.

No. 380.—Petition of Canteebitky Fabmees' Coen Exchange. The petitioners state that the present railway tariff rates in this colony are, in their opinion, in some cases prohibitory, and that, if reduced, the lines would be utilized more, and in all probability yield a much larger net return annually They pray that a substantial reduction may be made in the present railway rates. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that the petition be referred to the Crovernment for consideration. 24th September, 1881.

Paper 209. —Petition of Piebee Daemandaeitz (referred by the Government). The petitioner states that, in the year 1840, he purchased of Tahero, chief of the Bay of Otago, land situate on the west side of the Bay, having an extent of sixteen miles of surface ; that he has constantly endeavoured to obtain a recognition of his claim, but without effect. He prays the House will decree that his claim may be referred to a Select Committee, and grant him relief. I am directed to report that it appears, from the documentary evidence before the Committee, that the petitioner purchased, the land referred to subsequent to the issue of a Proclamation by His Excellency Sir George Gipps, dated 14th January, 1840, forbidding the acquirement of land in New Zealand from the Natives by individuals. This purchase being therefore made contrary to law, the Committee cannot recommend the petitioner's case to the favourable consideration of the House. 24th September, 1881.

No. 381.—Petition of Thomas Bruce and Others. The petitioners complain of the ravages of small birds, and pray the House will pass an Act to enable Road Boards to levy a rate for the suppression of the small birds nuisance. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of this petition has been dealt with by the House, the Committee have no recommendation to make. 24th September, 1881.