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Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Chairman, Civil Service Examination Board, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetary. Office of the Civil Service Examination Board, Sir,— Wellington, 30th May, 1881. I have the honor to submit the following report of the proceedings of the Civil Service Examination Board since the date of my last report (22nd June, 1880): —■ JUNE 1880 EXAMINATION Junior Examination 98 candidates applied to be examined, 92 candidates underwent; examination, 24 candidates passed, 66 candidates failed to pass, 2 candidates were disqualified. Of the candidates who failed, 24 failed in all 4 subjects, IS failed in 3 subjects, 16 failed in 2 subjects, 13 failed in 1 subject, 35 failed in English, 45 failed in arithmetic, 60 failed in history, 40 failed in geography The names of the candidates who passed, placed in the order of merit, are as follow :—

XI.—12.i. 1881. NEW ZEALAND. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION BOARD (REPORT OF THE). Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency. The Chaibman, Civil Service Examination Board, to the Hon. the Colonial Secbetaby. Office of the Civil Service Examination Board, Sir,— Wellington, 30th May, 1881. I have the honor to submit the following report of the proceedings of the Civil Service Examination Board since the date of my last report (22nd June, 1880): —■ JUNE 1880 EXAMINATION Junior Examination 98 candidates applied to be examined, 92 candidates underwent: examination, 24 candidates passed, 66 candidates failed to pass, 2 candidates were disqualified. Of the candidates who failed, 24 failed in all 4 subjects, 13 failed in 3 subjects, 16 failed in 2, subjects, 13 failed in 1 subject, 35 failed in English, 45 failed in arithmetic, 60 failed in history, 40 failed in geography The names of the candidates who passed, placed in the order of merit, are as follow : — I i 6 I • ! JN"ame. Residence. Where Educated, *2 § h £ r§ 3l I I \ 9. | O 3 < H ! $ ! H c H _ „ _„„______„ i i \ I Maximum attainable . 600 fiOO 600 fiOO 2.40(1 Maximum attainable maximum attainaDie ... ouu buu buu buu z,4UU 1 McKellar, Henry Dugald ... Tauranga ... Private School, Tauranga, 2years; Pub- 453 305 465 480 1,703 lie School, Tauranga, 3 years; Auckland Private School, Tauranga, 2 years ; Public School, Taurauga, 3 years; Auckland College and Grammar School, li years Church of England School, Braidwood, 5 years ; Public School, Braidwood, 4 years; High School, Dunedin, 9 months Dorset County School, England, 5 years Oamaru Grammar School, 7 years ; private tuition, 6 months Kelson College, 3 years ; Mr. Adams's, New Plymouth, 3 months ; Wellington College, 3 months; Mr. Gammell's, Wellington, 9 months High School, Ballarat, 2 years ; Wellington College, 6 years Pamell Grammar School, 1-J years; Newton Grammar School, 1J years Mrs. Eoss's, 6 years; Christ's College and Grammar School, 4 years Tuakau School, 8 years Auckland College and Grammar School, 7 years Preparatory Schools, 5 years... Mr. O'Connel's 3 years; Mr. Ellis's, 1 600 453 600 305 600 465 600 480 2,400 1,703 | College and Grammar School, 1| years 2 Larmer, Nelson James .. Dunedin ... Church of England School, Braidwood, 295 409 455 23011,3$J 5 years ; Public School, Braidwood, 4i venrs * TTiitIi Scliool. Dnnp.rlin 9 11,3*9 2 295 409 455 2301 •a years; niga aonooi, Jjuneain, a months 3 Allardyce, Edward Gordon .. Wellington ... Dorset County School, England, 5 years 315 393 305 33011,343 4 Spence, Henry Eichard Oamaru. .. Oamaru Grammar Scliool, 7 years; pri- 360 425 230 275 1,290vate tuition. 6 months 3 4, 315 360 393 425 305 230 330 275 1,343 1,29a vase luuion, o raontns 5 Atkinson, Edmund Tudor ... New Plymouth Nelson College, 3 years; Mr. Adams's, 255 237 405 365 1,2G2 New Plymouth, 3 months ; Wellington College. 3 months : Mr. Gammell's. 5 255 237 405 365 1,262 (jonege, d monens ; iyir. u-arameii s, Wellington, 9 months 6 Crombie, Andrew Francis ... Wellington ... High Scliool, Ballarat, 2 years; Welling- 405 470 205 170 1,250 inn Cfillotre. f> vears 6 405 470 205 170 1,250 ton uciioge, o years 7 Percival, Keginald Kitchie .. Auckland ... Pai-neil Grammar School, 1| years; 335 270 237 310 1,152 Newton Grammar School, li- vears 7 335 270 237 310 1,152 newton u-rammar ocnooi, ±f years 8 Eos?, Charles Frederick Mac- Ohristehureli Mrs. Eoss's, 6 years; Christ's College 290 444 200 205 1,139 kenzie and Grammar School, 4 years 9 Poland, John Joseph ... Tuakau .. Tuakau School, 8 years ... 255 339 285 220 1,099 10 Stevenson, Archibald Clark ... Auckland ... Auckland College and Grammar School, 280 298 220 280 1,078 *7 vnnrs 8 290 444 200 205 1,139 9 10 255 280 339 298 285 220 220 280 1,099 1,078 V years 11 Eussell, Jabez .. Wellington ... Preparatory Schools, 5 years... ... 320 265 255 215 1,055 12 Grey George Henry Eyell ... New Plymouth Mr. O'Connel's 3 years; Mr. Ellis's, 1 205 320 210 235 1,000 vear 11 12 320 205 265 320 255 240 215 235 1,055 1,000 year 13 Reynolds, Eardly Culley ... Dunedin ... South District School, 5 years; Collegiate 365 259 175 160 959 School. 2 vears : Hi^h School. 4 vears ocnooi, a years ; jugu oenooi, % years 34 Stuart, Arthur Henry ... Tauranga ... Private tuition ... .. .. 310 246 190 200 946 15 Calder, William ... ... Dunedin ... Tokomairiro Grammar School, 2 years; 273 270 170 225 944 Dnnedin TTitrh Scliool. 2 vpars .uunecun xiign Bcnooi, z years 16 Provis, William Shackson ... Napier ... I Beach School, New Plymouth, 9 months; 230 314 197 170 911 Auckland College and Grammar 13 34 15 16 year South District School, 5 years; Collegiate School, 2 years ; High School, 4 years Private tuition Tokonvairiro Grammar School, 2 years; Dunedin High School, 2 years Beach School, New Plymouth, 9 months; Auckland College and Grammar School, 5J years Mr. Tindall's, 1 year ; Mr. Paterson's, I-! years ; Mr. Scott's, 6 months 365 310 273 230 259 246 270 314 175 190 170 197 160 200 225 170 959 946 944 911 School, 5J years 17 Virtue, David Wilson ... Hokitika Mr. Tindall's, 1 year; Mr. Paterson's, 240 201 150 260 851, 851; 17 m 201 150 2G0