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face is black, and my body is small, 1 can, nevertheless, cause the arch of the sky to fall [I can attain great things]. Should your proposals or terms meet with my wishes, matters will be set right by me— set right better than anything that has yet been adjusted. What I say to you is as true as lam nowstanding here. The wishes of the Haunau chiefs are identical with mine. Do you watch me carefully, I shall always adhere to what I say ; I will not deviate. There may be a dark spot in my heart; however, should your terms be what I wish [or be satisfactory to me], the difficulty between us will be settled —settled beyond anything that has been settled yet.

Enclosure 3 in No. 8. Translation of a Speech made by Tawhiao on his leaving Mercer on the 4th August, 1881. Farewell, 0 Waikato —Waikato, the lands, and Waikato, the [Native] people. Farewell, 0 Europeans. 1 have reached here and have seen you, and intend now to return to my own home. It is the home of all the world. This is a parting word of mine. This is a day. "The day has come. The land lies here. The people are assembled here." Farewell, oye pakehas. An injunction was laid down by the elders years ago; it has been given effect to this day Good-bye, O pakehas. Decide upon the course to be adopted ; if it is just, mine will accord with it, and I shall be satisfied, and each of you will then retain possession of your own piece of land. I came here of my own accord, and not at the instigation of any other person. I had always contemplated paying this visit. Good-bye, 0 pakehas ; let the proposals you decide upon be honest. 0 pakehas, let the course you intend to adopt [towards me] be straightforward; let it be as open as my countenance. My appearance is black, but it matters not if lam black. And now do not expect me, do not wait for me. I have arrived here, therefore let your policy be just, so that mine may accord with it. Good-bye to you. Farewell, O pakehas.

No. 9. The Native Minister to Major Mair. Sir,— Native Office, Wellington, 16th September, 1881. 1 have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 31st ultimo, in which you report upon the visit of Tawhiao to the Waikato settlements, in respect of which I had previously been in communication with,you by telegraph. I have much pleasure in conveying to you the thanks of the Government for the able and judicious manner in which you have acted, and have no doubt that Tawhiao's visit, and the course which has been taken in relation thereto, will lead to satisfactory results. I have, &c, Major Mair, R.M., Native Agent, Auckland. Wm. Rolleston

Authority : Gbobgk Didseuet, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBl.