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or one of them, or the successors, executors, and administrators of some or one of them, do and shall, in any or either of the said cases, pay unto the Postmasters-General for the time being of the said colonies the sum of twenty-five thousand pounds as and for liquidated damages, then the abovewritten bond or obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Pacific Mail Steamship Company, By John Rilet, President. Attest —W H. Lane, Secretary Signed, sealed, and delivered by the abovenamed John Francis Ure, in the presence John F Uee. (1.5.) of— Robt. Leetemann, From Hamburgh, Solicitor, Hotel Bellevue, San Remo. F Schmidt, Hotelkeeper, Bellevue, San Remo. Signed, sealed, and delivered by the abovenamed John Lennox Kincaid Jamieson in John L. K. Jamieson. (1.5.) the presence of — Jno. Milne, Accountant, Govan, Glasgow E. E. Walkee, Cashier, Govan, Glasgow. Signed, sealed, and delivered by the abovenamed William Pearce in the presence Wm. Peaece. (1.5.) of— (Above described as William Pearse.) Jno. Milne, Accountant, Govan, Glasgow E. E. Walkee, Cashier, Govan, Glasgow

United States of America : City, County, and State of New York. On this fourth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, before me personally came W H. Lane, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, said that he resided in the City of New York ; that he was the secretary of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company ; that the seal affixed to the foregoing bond is the common seal of said corporation, and was so affixed by authority of said corporation; and that said deponent signed his name thereto as secretary by like authority David Thomson, (1.5.) Notary Public (3), New York County [Here follows memorandum similar in terms to that affixed to contract.]

No. 10. The Hon. John Hall to the Agent-Geneeal. Sir— General Post Office, Wellington, 15th July, 1880. I have the honor to forward to you, by the present mail, two copies of a further series of printed papers relating to the San Francisco mail service,* which set forth the steps taken by Mr. R. J. Creighton, resident agent for this department at San Francisco, with a view of obtaining the abolition or reduction of the American transit rates on the British and colonial mails. 2. As there appears to be a great probability that the charges in question will be materially reduced, if not waived entirely, I have to request that you will be good enough to place yourself in communication with the Imperial Post Office, with the view of obtaining for the colonies the benefit of any reduction which the United States Post Office may, in consequence of the recent action of the Senate, be found willing to make. I have, &c, Sir Julius Vogel, K.C.M.G., John Hall, Agent-General for New Zealand, London. Postmaster-General.

No. 11. Sir Julius Vogel to the Hon. the Postmastee-Geneeal, "Wellington. Sic, — 7, "Westminster Chambers, London, S.W., 28th January, 1881. Referring to your letter of the 15th July last, I have the honor to transmit copy of correspondence which has passed between the postal authorities of this country and myself respecting the remission by the Government of the United States, in favour of the Colonies of New South Wales and New Zealand, of a portion of the cost of overland transportation of the Australian closed mails, and which correspondence will speak for itself. I also enclose extract from the Times paper of yesterday, giving telegram referring to the matter, and which having brought under the notice of the Agent-General for New South Wales, a joint telegram was sent to Mr. Creighton, a copy of which I also give. I have, &c, Jtjltus Vogel, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. Agent-General.

* F-2, 1880.