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hereinafter specified. The accommodation provided must be sufficient, and suitable and separate sleeping-rooms must be provided for male and female children when above the age of seven years. Children above seven years may not sleep in the same room with married people. 7. No boarders or lodgers (children or adults) other than the children boarded for the Government may be received by foster-parents, nor ni&j a foster-parent or her husband be the holder of any license for the sale of fermented or spirituous liquors, or any member of her family hold such license for premises situated within three miles of her residence. 8. The family, including the children boarded, must all attend the same place of worship. 9. The children must be properly fed, and kept decently clothed by the foster-parents with sufficient and seasonable clothing ; the supply at all times to be complete to the extent shown in Schedule two. Clothing to remain the property of the children, and to be at all times clean and in good repair. On the return or transfer of a child the foster-parent giving up such child shall be required to place his clothing-kit in as good condition, both as regards quantity and quality, as it was when received by her. 10. The children will be visited from time to time by some member of committee, who, as well as the Inspector of Industrial and Eeformatory Schools, or any one appointed on his behalf, shall have free access to them within reasonable hours. The certificate of the committee approving of the treatment of the children must be forwarded to the Inspector with the account for payment. 11. Should a child meet with an accident, or become ill, he must be taken without delay to the medical officer hereinafter mentioned, or, if it be not practicable to take the child, the medical officer must be called in to attend to him, under such regulations as regards charges as may from time to time be made. 12. No child boarded out may be placed at service, or hired out- to any kind of employment, except by the written direction of the Inspector of Industrial and Reformatory Schools. 13. The children must bo sent to and attend school regularly, unless the Inspector of Industrial and Reformatory Schools, on the written recommendation of the committee or the medical officer, authorizesin writing their non-attendance. 14. The foster-parents will be expected to attend to the moral and religious training of the children, who must, when of a suitable age, be sent regularly to a place of worship and to Sunday school, and clergymen of the denomination to which they belong must also be allowed every facility for imparting to them religious instruction. 15. Should a child meet with an accident, become seriously ill, die, or run away, information must be at once given to the committee for report to the Inspector. 16. Children received under these conditions may not be transferred, or placed permanently under the care of any person other than the approved foster-parent, without the consent in writing of the Inspector of Industrial and Reformatory Schools. But the committee shall have power in any case which they consider urgent to remove childen from a foster-parent and place them temporarily with some other person willing to receive them under these regulations, in anticipation of the directions of the Inspector, and such person shall be bound by the conditions regulating the boardingout of children during the time she has such children in her charge. Foster-parents may not change their residence within the district without giving one week's notice of the proposed change to the committee for report to the Inspector, nor may they remove from the district unless the sanction of the Inspector to such removal has been notified to the committee in writing. 17. Payment will be made for children placed out to be wet-nursed in accordance with the rate fixed by the "Wet-nurse Regulations," until such time as the children reach the age of twelvemonths. Children between the ages of one year and fourteen years will be paid for at the rate of five shillings per week per child while it is requisite for them to attend school under clause 13 of this Schedule. In the event of a child being permitted by the Inspector to cease attending school, either partially or altogether, such deduction from the pay may be made as shall, in the opinion of the Inspector, be equitable, or the foster-parent may bo required to comply with the conditions in Schedule 3 of these regulations, and foster-parents retaining children after they have reached the age of fourteen years must comply with the conditions of that schedule. 18. Deductions may bo made from the monthly accounts, at the discretion of the Inspector, for any neglect or improper treatment of the children. Acquittances must be signed by foster-mothers themselves. If unable to write, their mark must be affixed in the presence of and be witnessed by a member of committee. Only in very special cases may payment be made to an agent, and then only when the foster-mother has given an order on the Government (H) form. All accounts must be certified by the correspondent. 19. A medical officer will be appointed for every district in which children are boarded out. His duty will be to visit the children not less than once in every three months, and to attend to them in illness or in case of accident, either at the residence of the foster-parents or his own residence or surgery, as may be necessary, and to supply all requisite medicines and medical appliances. Ho will be required to report any deficiency of accommodation, any defects in the sanitary condition of the residence, insufficient supply of food or clothing, or absence of cleanliness, and generally any ill-treatment of the children or cause for complaint that may come under his notice. 20. An allowance for such attendance and supervision as above mentioned will be paid by the Government at the rate of one pound per child per annum. 21. The Inspector may remove or direct the removal of children at any time ho considers it necessary or expedient. Persons taking children under these conditions will be at liberty to return them to the school from which they received them, upon giving two weeks' notice of their intention to do so. 22. The Government will make such further rules and conditions as may from time to time be necessary, and foster-parents will require to comply with the directions they may receive from the Inspector, whether provided for in these conditions or not, and to give effect to the requirements of the committee hereinbefore referred to.