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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 14th July, 1881. " That there be laid upon the table a return of the amount expended in the building and furnishing of the Wellington New Hospital, specifying the contract price of building, the particulars and amounts paid for extra wort, if any, the amount paid for furniture and furnishing respectively ; also the value of the prison labour expended on the site and worts, and any other expenditure incurred in connection with the same."— {Mr. Andrews.)

Wellington Hosmtal. £ s. d. Cost of building, as per return furnished by the Secretary to the Trustees ... 50,422 19 6 Wages of ganger, as per ditto, time being taken from Grader's return, 1,598 days . at 9s. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 719 2 0 Value of prison labour, as per Graoler's return ... ... ... ... 7,191 0 0 £58,333 1 6 Colonial Secretary's Office, G. 8. Coopee, 3rd August, 1881. Under-Seeretary.

Rettten of Expend ittjee on the Wellington New Hospital. £ s. A. Amount of contract for building ... ... ... ... ... ... 25,914 0 0 Allowance made to the contractors on account of extra handling and cement required, the bricks made by the machine being smaller than the ordinary size (settled by arbitration) ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,500 0 0 Foundations at 395. 7d. per cubic yard, being contract price 335., and 6s. 7d. allowed ' by arbitration on account of the small bricks provided ... ... ... 4,210 13 6 Extra work —Barry and McDowell, drainage ... ... ... ... ... 606 4 0 „ „ additional work ... ... ... ... 525 4 9 „ Hayes, steam-boilers, fittings, &c, and laying on water throughout the building ... ... ... ...' ~ ... ... ... 488 1 8 Preparing site, providing machinery for brick-making (about 4,000,000 bricks made), erection of office, sheds and kiln, tools, supervision and architect's commission on account of the whole work ... ... ... ... ... ... 12,746 5 6 Furniture ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,847 3 3 Fittings, &o. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 585 6 10 £50,422 19 6 Of the value of the prison labour I cannot form an opinion, the expense beyond the supply of tools, &c, was the wages of a ganger at 9s. per day. Abthttk Doeset, Wellington, 2nd August, 1881. Secretary.

Return of the Value of Prison Labour expended on the Site and Works of the Wellington New Hospital, from the 17th September, 1875, to the 30th June, 1881, both inclusive.

Micaiah Bead, Graoler.

Authority: G-boegb Didsuuet, GoTernment Printer, Wellington.—lBBl.

! Number of Days on which . v , .„ ,, t, ■ J Avoraije a umber oi: Men the xrisoners were ° -r^employed. Per Dlem' 1,598 30 Total Number of Buys' Labour. 47,940 at 3s.=£7,191.