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3. Time of day, date, and place at which the accident occurred, with exact particulars of how the accident happened, and in what manner the person was reached. If in a river, state breadth aud depth, and whether any tide or stream running. If in a canai, lake, pond, or reservoir, its breadth, depth, and size. The distance from the shore or bank of the spot where the rescue took place, and the depth at that spot, with any other particulars explanatory of the cause of the accident. 4. If the case occurred at sea, state the nature of the wind, weather, and sea ; speed of the vessel; whether under sail or steam, or both ; and whether a life-buoy and other appliances were used. To be verified by the commanding or other superior officer. 5. The precise nature of the risk incurred by the applicant, with every particular of the exertions made to save the life. 6. How long the person rescued had been in the water, and his state when rescued. 7. Who was sent for ; who came; what was then done,* and what kind of treatment was adopted. (Signature of applicant.) It is requisite that all the above questions be answered as fully as possible. This paper to be accompanied by certificates of one or more eye-witnesses, who should add their profession or trade and address, and state fully, in their own handwriting, the precise nature of the applicant's exertions, showing the actual risk incurred. The above details to be left or sent to the Society's office, 4 Trafalgar Square, Charing Cross, with as little delay as possible. Lambton Young, Secretary.

No. 29. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Eight Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach to the Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand. (Circular.) Sir,— Downing Street, 14th January, 1879. I have the honor to request that you will transmit to me annually, for the use of the Intelligence Branch of the War Office, returns in the accompanying forms relating to fortifications, ordnance, arms, ammunition, &c, barracks, huts, &c, colonial naval forces, naval reserve, railways, telegraphs, and canals. I have also to request that you will at the same time forward a duplicate copy of these returns for record in this department. I have, &c, M. E. HICKS BEACH. Tbe Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

No. 30. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Eight Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach to the Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand. (Circular.) Sir, — Downing Street, 21st January, 1879. I have the honor to transmit to you, for information and publication in the colony under your government, copies of an announcement published in the London Gazette on the 14th inst., relative to the notices given by the French Government to terminate, on the Ist of January, 1880, the commercial treaties now in force between this country and Erance. I have, &c, M. E. HICKS BEACH. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

Enclosure in No. 30. Extract from the London Gazette of Tuesday, 14th January, 1879. Foreign Office, 13th January, 1879. The Government of France have given notice for the termination of the following commercial treaties with this country : —■ The Treaty of Commerce of the 23rd of January, 1860; Additional Article of 25th of February, 1860; Second Additional Article of 27th of June, 1860; First Supplementary Con-

* Should the patient have been taken to a publichouso, a certificate of the landlord, verified by the medical attendant, jiiust be attached, stating what accommodation was afforded.