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JL_P_P_B_l_NriDlX _£__.

AUDITED STATEMENT OE EXPENDITURE ON PEBLIO WORKS OUT OE THE IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN EOR THE YEAR 1879-80. Prepared in compliance with Section 9 of " The Public Works Act, 1876." The Hon. E. Oliver to the Commissioners of Audit. Gentlemen,— Public Works Office, 25th May, 1880. In compliance with the 9th section of " The Public Works Act, 1876," I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year upon all Government wrorks authorized by Parliament under " The Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act, 1879." I have, &c, E. Oliver, The Commissioners of Audit, Wellington. Minister for Public Works. *

STATEMENT of Net Expenditure for the Year 1879-80, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to be forwarded to the Audit in compliance with Section 9 of "The Public Works Act, 1876."

W. A. TnoMAS, Examined and found correct. Accountant, Public Works. James Edward EitzGerald, 25th May, 1880, Controller and Auditor-General. 6—E. 1.

Class. Summary. Net Expenditure. III. IV. V. VI, VII. VIII. IX. EX. XL Raiewats SUEVEYS Roads ... '... Land Purchases Waterworks on Goed Fields Telegraph Extension Public Buildings ... Lighthouses Miscellaneous Public Works £ s. d. 856,550 11 2 7,123 5 1 39,136 6 4 14,895 J9 2 15,603 8 6 40,777 19 9 202,418 10 4 3,96.3 o 7 259,85° 8 s Total Net Expenditure on Works out oe Immigration and Public Works Loan. £1,440,319 9 4