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the only suitable work in Otago on which a large number can be employed. At present there are about 700 men at work there; and, although this number will in all probability decrease during the summer months, I fear there is little prospect of a complete cessation in the demand which will be made on us for this kind of employment, and we have therefore made provision for supplying it on this section. WATEE-EACES, MIDDLE ISLAND. The work of improving and extending the various water-races now in progress will be carried on. EOADS. In the North Island the proposed appropriations will admit of the road works in the Waimate Plains and other Native districts being continued, as well as for the maintenance in a serviceable state of certain main roads which it is necessary to keep open for traffic. In addition to the completion of the various works in hand, the road from Nelson to Greymouth and Westport is to be improved throughout, so as to render it fit for coach traffic and make it an arterial line of communication between the north end of the Island and the West Coast. CONCLUSION. In conclusion, Sir, I would say that, although the Government have found it to be their imperative duty to abate the speed at which public works have until lately been carried on, yet we believe that the time is not far distant when the works now temporarily suspended may be resumed, and those now proposed to be curtailed completed. The resources of New Zealand are so great, that, for her, there can be neither retrogression nor standing still; but, Sir, it is incumbent on us to recognize that for a State, as for an individual, a steady progress and an assured prosperity can only be maintained by obedience to the dictates of prudence. I have now, Sir, to express my gratitude for the patient attention with which the House has honored me.