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No. 44. The Immigration Officer, Christchurch, to the Under-Secretary for Immigration. Sir, — Christchurch, 9th January, 1880. I have the honor to report that the miners, with their wives and families, duly arrived yesterday morning at Lyttelton. In going through the list I found that J II , aged nineteen, had not been entered. The total number will therefore be 53| adults. Mr. Hamilton, manager of the Springfield Colliery, was at the depot, and interviewed the men. They were very anxious that their wives and children should accompany them at once. The Company therefore arranged with the men to obtain tent-accommodation far them and their families until the cottages now in course of erection are completed. I had previously told the men that I had received instructions from the Government to offer accommodation to their families at the depot, and that I would make them as comfortable as possible until their cottages were finished. They were very grateful for the offer, but preferred to take their families with them, and proceed at once to the works. I accordingly made the necessary arrangements with the Railway Department, and this morning I saw them all off by the 7.20 train. I am pleased to report that the manager for the Company is of opinion that the men are just the class he requires, and I have reason to believe the Company will be prepared to engage more of the same class should any remain on the hands of the Government. My own opinion with regard to this small shipment is that they will do exceedingly well here. I have, &c., The Under-Secretary for Immigration, Wellington. J. E. March.

No. 45. The Under-Secretary for Immigration to the Immigration Officer, Nelson. (Telegram.) Wellington, 12th January, 1880. How many more miners have you available? Have you sent any to Mr. Kennedy? The Immigration Officer, Nelson. H. J. H. Eliott.

No. 46. The Immigration Officer, Nelson, to the Under-Secretary for Immigration. (Telegram.) Nelson, 13th January, 1880. I telegraphed Kennedy and Immigration Officer yesterday morning re coal-miners. No reply yet. Fifteen married and three single men still in depot. The Under-Secretary for Immigration. Alfred Greenfield.

No. 47. The Hon. the Minister for Immigration to Mr. Allan Holmes. (Telegram.) 16th January, 1880. Is the Westport Colliery Company prepared to take any of the colliers now maintained by Government at Nelson for them ? I must ask for reply before noon, or I shall be obliged to make other arrangements. I will furnish accounts for expenditure to date of their being taken off' Government hands. Mr. Allan Holmes, Dunedin. W. Rolleston.

No. 48. The Immiguation Officer, Christehurch, to the Under-Secretary for Immigration. (Telegram.) Christchurch, 16th January. 1880. Springfield Company ■will find employment for colliers —fifteen married and three single; Government finding accommodation in depot for women and children until cottages are built. The Under-Secretary for Immigration, Wellington. J. E. March.

No. 49. The Hon. the Minister for Immigration to Mr. Allan Holmes. (Telegram.) 17th January, 1880. Am waiting your reply as to miners at Nelson. Will Wcstport Company take them or not? There arc fifteen married and three single men still wanting employment. Please reply immediately. Mr. Allan Holmes, Dunedin. W. Rolleston.