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roomed cottage would be £\2 10s. for labour. If the men are sent, their wives and children would stay in Addington depot until cottages are orected. There is no Government depot or cottages near the mine. If this proposal does not meet approval of Hon. Minister, I will see if any other arrangements can be made; but it is most desirable that the men should be provided with cottages, so that they can settle down with their families in the district. There is plenty of work for first-class colliers. The Under-Secretary for Immigration, Wellington. J. E. March.

No. 31. The Immigration Officer, Nelson, to the Under-Secuetary for Immigration. Sir, — Nelson, 21th December, 1879. I forward herewith copy of correspondence between Mr. Burns, the General Manager of the Westport Colliery Company, and myself, re the coal-miners by the ship " Opawa." #*#"# * * * * I received a request from you to furnish such information (as to names, &c, to Mr. Burns), and I thereupon sent him the complete list, as I had no information as to which of the immigrants were for the Company. Since the receipt of Mr. Burns's letter, I have sent him a list containing the names, designations, and counties where the men were selected. I have, &c, The Under-Secretary for Immigration, Wellington. Ali'isjed Greenfield. P.S. —I have again to suggest that, as there does not appear to be the least prospect of the men being engaged by the Company for some time, that Government should employ them in the meantime on some public work. Most of them, if not all, can use the pick and shovel.—A. G.

Enclosure 1 in No. 31. The Immigration Officer, Nelson, to Mr. Allan Holmes. (Telegram.) Nelson, 17th December, 1879. Mr. Burns is here. Can give miners no information as to when they will be required. They are very dissatisfied. Can you not give them any promise as to when they will be put to work ? They were informed they would get work the day after landing. Mr. Allan Holmes, Dunedin. Alfred Greenfield.

Enclosure 2 in No. 31. Mr. Allan Holmes to the Immigration Officer, Nelson. (Telegram.) Dunedin, 18th December, 1879. Much annoyed at delay in completion. We are dependent ou Mr. Burns for information, and he can tell you best when he will be ready. The Immigration Officer, Nelson. A. Holmes.

Enclosure 3 in No. 31. The Immigration Officer, Nelson, to the General Manager, Westport Colliery Company. Immigration Office, Nelson, 22nd December, 1879. Sir, — Employment of Coal-miners ex " Opawa." I forward herewith copy of correspondence re the employment of coal-miners brought out for the Westport Colliery Company and now in the Nelson depot, by which you will see that the Secretary to the Company, Mr. Allan Holmes, refers me to you for an answer to the question, " When will the Company be ready to receive the miners at Westport ?" I shall be glad, therefore, if you will kindly inform me when you believe the Company will be ready to receive them, as it is a very serious matter for the men to be kept so long out of employment. An early answer will oblige. I have, &c, The General Manager, Westport Colliery Company, Alfd. Greenfield. Nelson.

Enclosure 4 in No. 31. Mr. A. J. Burns to the Immigration Officer, Nelson. Sir,— Nelson, 23rd December, 1879. I beg to acknowledge the receipt this afternoon of your Memo. No. 15 i, dated 22nd instant, and certain copies of telegrams between Mr. Holmes and yourself. I have again to repeat what I have already informed you, both by letter and personal interview, that I am without any instructions from the Wcstport Colliery Company's directors.