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[Colony of] , convicted of the crime of forgery [or, of assault with intent to commit murder on board the British ship " ," on the high seas, or as the case may be], and sentenced to penal servitude for the term of five years, of which three years are yet unexpired : And whereas it hath been represented to me that the health of the said A.B. is likely to be permanently injured by further imprisonment in the said Presidency [colony] : [or that the said A.B. is not a native of or domiciled in the said Presidency (colony), and that it is expedient that he be removed therefrom] : Now, therefore, I, as such Secretary of State as aforesaid, under and by virtue of the powers aud authorities in that behalf by " The Prisoners Removal Act, 187 ," or otherwise in ma vested, do hereby order that he, the said A.8., bo removed to the United Kingdom [or to the Colon)- of ], there to undergo the punishment of penal servitude for a term of years in such prison as one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State [or the Governor of the said Colony of ] shall direct. In witness whereof I have hereunder appended my signature this day of , 187 .

II. —Governor's Warrant to Keeper oe Prison. " The Prisoners Removal Act, 187 ." (Royal Arms.) By His Excellency , Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Presidency of [Colony of] and its dependencies. To , Keeper of the Prison. Whereas A.8., a prisoner in this Presidency [colony], is now in your custody under sentence of penal servitude for the term of years, from the day of , for the crime of : And whereas, under and by virtue of "The Prisoners Removal Act, 187 ," one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State has ordered that the said A.B. be removed to the United Kingdom [or to the Colony of ], there to undergo a term of penal servitude for years : Now I do hereby order you, the said Keeper of the Prison, to deliver the body of the said A.B. into the custody of CD., master of the British ship " ," or of E.F., 'or of G.11., who is authorized by warrant under my hand and the seal of this Presidency [colony], to receive the said prisoner and convey him to the United Kingdom [or to the Colony of ], and for so doing this shall be your warrant. Given under my hand and the seal of the said Presidency [colony] of , this day of , 187 . [l.s.] Governor, &c.

lll.—Governor's Warrant oe Removal. " The Prisoners Removal Act, 187 ." (Royal Arms.) By His Excellency , Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Presidency of [Colony of] and its dependencies. To CD., Master of the British ship " ; " and E.F., Chief Officer of the said ship; and G.II. Whereas A.8., a prisoner in Gaol, was on the day of , convicted before the Supreme Court of tho said Presidency [colony] of the crime of forgery [or of assault with intent to commit murder on board tho British ship " ," on the high seas, or as the case may be], aud sentenced to five years' penal servitude : And whereas , one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, has, in pursuance of " The Prisoners Removal Act, 187 ," ordered that the said /V.B. be removed to the United Kingdom [or to the Colony of ], there to undergo penal servitude for the term of years: Now I do hereby, in further pursuance of the said Act, authorize you, the said CD. and E.F., G.11., and any or either of you, to receive the said A.B. into your custody, and to convey him to the United Kingdom [or to the Colony of J, and there deliver him, together with this warrant, to , or such person as shall be empowered by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State [or by the Governor of the said colony] to receive him ; and for so doing, this shall be your warrant. Given under my hand and the seal of the said Presidency [colony] of , this day of 187 . [l.s.] Governor.

No. 4 Copy of a DESPATCH from the Eight Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach to Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Ngrmanby. (General.) My Eord, — Downing Street, 16th September, 1878. I have had under my consideration your Despatch No. 18, of the 22nd May, enclosing a memorandum by Sir George Grey on the subject of the permission granted by the Queen to the retired Judges of the Supreme Court of New Zealand to retain the title of " Honorable " for life within the colony.