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When a seaman offers himself for engagement, and is unable to produce a certificate of discharge from his last ship, it is lawful, under the Bth section of " The Merchant Shipping Act, 1869," to grant him a permit to ship. (Copy of this section is appended hereto.) A fee of ss. for these permits is authorized by an Order in Council made on the 24th of January, 1870, under authority of the 6th section of the Colonial Act already quoted. The provision as to permits was copied from Victoria when these documents were in use, having been adopted, it was understood, with a view to assist in checking the desertion of seamen from their ships. Their use in New Zealand has not been found of any practical value in this direction, and therefore the provision regarding them was not introduced into the Shipping and Seamen's Act passed last session and reserved for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure thereon. William Seed, Customs Department, Wellington, sth June, 1878. Secretary of Customs.

" The Merchant Shipping Acts Adoption Act, 1869." " Section 8. In case any seaman shall be unable to produce a certificate of discharge from his last ship, it shall be lawful for the Superintendent of any Mercantile Marine Office, or any officer of Customs, on being satisfied of the fact of such inability, and upon payment of such fee as may be fixed by the Governor in Council, to grant to such seaman a permit to engage himself in any foreign-going ship; or, if any seaman shall prove to the satisfaction of such officer that without any fault of his own he has lost or been deprived of his certificate of discharge, such officer may grant a permit as aforesaid to such seaman to ship in any home-trade ship."

No. 2. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby to the Right Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach. (No. 36.) Government House, Wellington, Sir,— New Zealand, 26th July, 1878. I have the honor to inform you that I opened the Third Session of the Sixth Parliament of New Zealand this day. I beg to enclose herewith a copy of the Speech I read, and I also annex the Addresses in Reply presented to me by both Houses of Parliament. I have, &c., The Right Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach. NORMANBY.

No. 3. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby to the Right Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach. (No. 37.) Government House, Wellington, Sni, — New Zealand, Bth August, 1878. I have the honor to transmit six copies of the Financial Statement of the Colonial Treasurer, the Hon. J. Ballance, which he delivered in the House of Representatives on the 6th of August instant. I have, &c.j The Right Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach. NORMANBY.

No. 4 Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby to the Right Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach. (No. 38.) Government House, Wellington, SI Rj — New Zealand, 9th August, 1878. In reply to your circular of the Bth of April, 1878, I have the honor to enclose a copy of a memorandum I have received from Sir George Grey, by which you will see that my Government have directed that the books recommended to the Board of Trade by the Assistant-Principal Examiners in Navigation and Seamanship shall be used in this colony. I have, &c, The Right Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach. NORMANBY.