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at the following rates, which sums must be paid by the emigrants before they can receive their embarkation orders—namely : For single men, 20s. each; for single women (except those mentioned below), 20s. each; for married people, 20s. each; for children over twelve years of age, 20s. each; for children between twelve years and one year, 10s.; infants under twelve months at date of embarkation, free. Single women of seventeen years of age and upwards, and who are domestic servants, will, until further notice, be supplied with ship's outfit free of cost. Emigrants must find their own towels. Each male adult will be required to pay the sum of .€5 towards the cost of his passage. 13. The emigrants will bo divided into three classes, and berthed in three separate compartments in the ship : Ist, single mcii' —-that is, all unmarried males above twelve years of age ; 2nd, married couples, with children under twelve years; 3rdly, single women —that is, all unmarried females above twelve years. The single women will be placed under the superintendence of a matron. 14. Luggage, fyc. —All luggage should be distinctly marked in paint with the name of the passenger and the ship; and boxes containing articles which will be required on the voyage should have the word " Wanted," written conspicuously upon them. The whole quantity of luggage for each adult allowed free of charge is fifteen cubic feet measurement; luggage in excess of this quantity will only be taken if there is room for it in the ship, and will be chargeable with freight at a rate not exceeding Is. per cubic foot. Emigrants will not be allowed to take on board any bedding, spirits, gunpowder, lucifer or other matches, or any dangerous articles. All the luggage will be examined at the depot, and any prohibited articles will be forfeited. Emigrants must present themselves at the emigration depot on the day named on the embarkation order. As all boxes are put into the hold of the ship, and those marked " Wanted " can only bo got at about once a month during the voyage, the emigrant should keep a supply of linen for immediate use in a canvas bag, which he can keep in his berth. 15. Male emigrants are required, as a condition of their receiving either a free or assisted passage for themselves or their families (if any), to perform the duties of fire and boat drill during the voyage whensoever called upon by the Captain or Surgeon-superintendent to do so. 10. The following notes are added for the information of intending emigrants : — (1.) Emigrants receiving free or assisted passage, on arriving at their destination, are received by officers of the Government, and maintained for a reasonable time at a comfortable depot. They are free to make their own engagements, and are not required to repay any amount of the passage cost (unless specially stipulated before sailing), nor are they required to work for the Government. (2.) Full information as to the current rate of wages can be obtained at the depots in the colony, and lists of persons requiring servants, &c, are kept there. (3.) Nominated persons are those who have been named by their friends in New Zealand as suitable emigrants, and, subject to such nominations being approved by the Government in the colony, and to the particulars given respecting them being correct, and to their having good health and characters, they will be offered passages by the first available ships. They are expected in all cases to comply with the foregoing conditions, and to complete the application form and certificate schedule the same as other emigrants. (4.) Should any intending emigrant prefer to go in a passenger ship, paying for his own passage, he should apply to either the New Zealand Shipping Company, 84, Bishopsgate Street, London; Shaw, Savill, and Co., 34, Leadenhall Street, London; or toP. Henderson and Co., 15, St. Vincent Place, Glasgow. Julius Vogel, Agent-General for New Zealand. 7, Westminster Chambers, London, S.W., October, 1879. [This " Form of Application " must be properly filled in and signed, folded so as to leave the printed address outside, and returned to this office without delay. The applicant should carefully read the conditions, and take care that this form is completed in accordance with the directions given. Incomplete applications will not be entertained?^ To Her Majesty the Queen, and the Government op her Colony of, and the AgentGeneral for, New Zealand, and Each of them. I hereby apply for and request the grant of an assisted passage to [State place in New Zealand applicant desires to go to] , New Zealand, for myself and the other persons named below, upon and subject to the conditions hereunto annexed : and I hereby declare that the statements contained below are true; that I [and my family] are of good character and in good health, and free from any bodily or mental defect; that I [and they] go to the colony to reside or settle there; and that I have not, and neither has either of them, ever been in New Zealand or Australia before : and I hereby pledge myself [and family] to conform to and comply with the regulations for the voyage, and the conditions hereto attached, and not to leave the ship until she arrives in . And I will, for myself [and family], confirm this agreement, with the conditions attached, in the presence of the Immigration Officer there. And I hereby agree to pay in cash the sum of £ for ship outfit mentioned in clause 12 of the said con-