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List of Mr. Press's party by the "Maraval" — continued.

James B. lledward, Wellington, January, 1880. Immigration Officer.

No. 16. The Hon. the Minister for Immigration to the Agent-General. Sir, — Immigration Office, Wellington, 16th January, 1880. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the Ist ultimo, No. 1,059, in which you fully explain the peculiar and special circumstances under which you are compelled in some instances to take promissory notes from emigrants coming out to this colony. I have carefully considered the remarks which you make, and, although I am aware it would not be expedient to hamper you with such instructions as would leave you no discretionary power, the Government is of opinion that, considering the existing circumstances of the colony, and the fact that a very largo number of persons are paying their own passages in full, it is not right for persons who are absolutely without means to bo not only introduced free of cost, but to have advances made to them from the public funds upon the security of their promissory notes, past experience having shown that the chances of payment of those notes are very uncertain. I have, &c., W. Rolleston, The Agent-General for New Zealand, London. Minister for Immigration.

No. 17. The Hon. Major Atkinson to the Agent-General. Sir, — Immigration Office, Wellington, 23rd January, 1880. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the Bth November, No. 1,054, and, in reply, to inform you that the Government concurs in the view taken by you with reference to the question of further reducing the number of paid local agents. I have, &c, The Agent-General for New Zealand, 11. A. Atkinson, London. (for the Minister for Immigration.)

No. 18. The Hon. Major Atkinson to the Agent-General. Sir, — Immigration Office, Wellington, 27th January, 1880. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter No. 1,103, of the 3rd December last, relative to the arrangement you made with Mr. Julius Jeffreys to renew his engagement for a further period of two mouths from the 30th November.

Names. Married or Single. Occupation. B (2 adults) G. M T. F E. G H. H C. S J. W. W ... T. B (3 adults) J. B M. F c. w— C. H J. W A (3 adults) H (5 adults) Married ... Single Single Single Single Single Single Married ... Single Single Single Single Single Married ... Married ... Single Single Single Single Single Married ... Single Labourer on farm or anywhere. Labourer on farm or anywhere. Labourer on farm or anywhere. Plasterer. Plasterer. Plasterer. Tailor. Grocer. Grocer. Diaper. Draper. Draper. Draper. Painter or anything. Watch-finisher. Warehouseman. Warehouseman. Warehouseman. Warehouseman. Lad. Grocer. Draper. W. D J. E G. M A. T T. H J. F (44 adults) E JA»