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EMIGRATION TO NEW ZEALAND. (LETTERS TO THE AGENT-GENERAL). [In continuation of D.-1, Sess. II., 1879.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency.

Schedule of Correspondence.

No. Date. Subject. Pago. 1 2 3 4 5 .; 7 8 9 10 1879. August 21 September 11 September 11 September 12 September 29 October 4 October 28 November 17 November 19 December 30 1880. Report on arrival of tho ship " Napier." Further as to single-men saloon passengers ... Mr. Clayden's services to be dispensed with when engagement fulfilled To still further reduce number of paid Local Agents Rev. J. Berry's services not to be continued Report on Mr. Gear's preserved meat Not to take promissory notes from emigrants Not to take promissory notes from emigrants Services of Mr. J. Jeffreys not to be continued Asking for explanation as to remuneration paid to the Rev. J. Berry As to practice of Her Majesty's Customs in regard to immigrants' luggage ... 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 u 12 18 14 15 January 3 January 3 January 7 January 10 January 14 For report on Rev. J. Berry's application for extra remuneration Further as to limiting number of emigrants, and as to reductions in staff ... As to the introduction of imbecile pussengers by private ships ... Reverting to old system re return passages of Surgeons-superintendent Forwarding list of Mr. Press's party of immigrants ex " Maraval," showing their occupations. Further as to instructions not to accept promissory notes from emigrants Acknowledging letter of 8th November, as to reducing number of Local Agents Mr. Jeffreys'services not to be retained ... Acknowledging letter of 11th November, as to undertaking to be signed by emigrants before embarkation. Mr. Clayden's services not to be retained after 1st July As to applications from school-teachers for employment in New Zealand Again urging necessity of refusing acceptance of promissory notes As to further employment of Rev. J. Berry to promote emigration of farmers As to expenses of Local Agents and lecturers, and as to payment of commissions to them by shipowners for procuring passengers. Telegram —Unemployed numerous. Warn men against coming to colony ... No reason for making Falmouth a port of departure Mr. Bathgate's services as lecturer not to be continued Approves single women accompanying families having free passages ... With copies of instructions to discourage nominations Further as to accepting promissory notes Not to engage ships for emigrants. Services of lecturers to be discontinued As to the emigration of women under the Women's Emigration Society Further as to re-employment of the Rev. J. Berry as lecturer ... Acknowledging annual report for 1879. Suspension of emigration. Staff to be reduced No more nominated passages to be granted Proposal to establish museum of New Zealand raw products in London Acknowledging receipt of letter of the 22nd March, reporting H.M.S. " Raleigh " to visit Amsterdam Island. Contract with New Zealand Shipping Company extended for 12 months from 1st May, 1880. Calling attention to previous instructions to reduce emigration and office staff 3 4 7 7 7 16 17 is 19 January 16 January 23 January 27 January 27 8 8 8 9 20 21 22 23 21 January 29 February 12 February 17 February 25 February 26 9 9 10 10 11 25 21. 27 28 29 80 -.1 32 33 34 35 36 37 February 26 February 27 February 28 April 2 April 2 April 2 April 3 April 3 April 3 April 3 April 24 May 7 May 17 II II 11 12 12 12 12 IS 18 13 14 15 15 38 May 22 15 39 May 22 15