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No. 15. The Hon. F. Wihtakeb to His Excellency the Goveenoe. Auckland, 29th December, 1863. The Hon. Mr. Gillies having resigned the office of Secretary for Crown Lands, Ministers respectfully recommend His Excellency to appoint Alfred Domett, Esq., to that office, on the understanding that the appointment is to be in future one of a non-political character. This appointment to take date from the 24th instant. To His Excellency the Governor, &c. Feed. Wihtakee.

No. 16. The Hon. A. Domett to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Sib, — General Crown Lands Office, Wellington, 11th July, 1871. Having for some time past intended to retire from the Civil Service of the colony, I have now the honor, in accordance with the terms of "The Civil Service Superannuation Act, 1858," aud " The Civil Service Amendment Act, 18G1," to notify to you my desire to avail myself of the retiring allowance provided by the Acts alluded to. 1 should state that I entered the public service as Colonial Secretary of New Munster in the early part of February, 1848, and that I am upwards of fifty years of age. Trusting that this application will bo favourably received by Government. I hare, &c., Alfeed Domett, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, "Wellington. Secretary for Crown Lands, &c. P.S. —I should have mentioned that, if it will not interfere with Government arrangements, I propose to hold my present offices till the end of next month. —A. D. Me. Coopee.—Calculation of pension to be made as usual. —W. Gisboene.—l2th July, 1871. Hon. Me. Domett.—"Will you be good enough to fill up the enclosed form and return it to this office ?—G. S. Cooper.—l4th July, 1871. Statement to accompany Application for a Superannuation or Retiring Allowance under " Civil Service Superannuation Act, 1858." Name in full, and Offices held by Applicant during three years previous to date of application. —Alfred Domett: Secretary for Crown Lands ; Commissioner of Land Claims under Land Claims Settlement Acts, 1856 and 1858; Kegistrar-General of Land and Deeds till eight months since; then Officer intrusted with administration of Confiscated Lands. Length of Service on Establishment of General Government, giving date of first Appointment. — Tiventy-two years and two months : first appointment as Colonial Secretary of New Munster, 14th Februar}', 1848 ; appointed Colonial Secretary of New Zealand from the Gth August, 1862, to the 30th October, 1863. Total Amount of Salary and Fees drawn by Applicant during last three years of service.- —Three thousand pounds ; no fees. Whether Absent (on leave or otherwise) for any or what period exceeding six weeks in every year of service. —Never absent for a period exceeding six weeks. Prom 185G to 1862,1 attended the General Assembly during its session at Auckland and Wellington. Has the Department ever been transferred to or from the Provincial Government. —Never. Remarks. —The salary of the Colonial Secretary for New Munster (though then the most populous and important province) was £400 per annum (while that of the Colonial Secretary for New Ulster was £700 or £750) from 1848 to 1853. On the establishment of the New Zealand Constitution, when the executive officers of New Ulster received pensions of £400 per annum, I took a lower office than I had held at a salary only equal to the pensions given to them—namely, £400 per annum. This was in 1853 (October). My equal right to the pension was, I believe, fully acknowledged then by Sir George Grey and the succeeding Governors. My salary for the last three years was made up of salary for Secretary for Crown Lands, £600 (amount paid to my predecessors) ; Commissioner of Land Claims, £100 (amount previously paid to Mr Bell, £800, he having completed a great part of the work, though much more was left than would be represented by that proportion of salary) ; EegistrarGeneral of Land, £300, previously receiving £800 per annum. —Alfeed Domett, Secretary for Crown Lands, &c. Memoeandum.—Hon. Mr. Domett is entitled under Act of 1861, No. 36, section 3, to a pension of £571 Bs. 7d. a year, it being understood that he held and performed the duties of the office of Secretary for Crown Lands during the time he held office as a responsible Minister. —G. S. Coopee.—l4th July, 1871. Kefeebed to Auditor.—W. Gisboene. —15th July, 1871. The Act under which superannuation allowance is claimed docs not apply to offices whose holders have seats in the Executive Council. Mr. Domett should be requested to state the periods "from" and " to " during which he had a seat in the Executive Council, and the offices under which he claims the allowance for such periods. —Chaeles Knight, Auditor-General.—l7th July, 1871. Foe Hon. Mr. Domett.—G. S, Coopee.—lBth July, 1871.