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your resignation. I have now the honor further to inform you, that the Government has not thought it proper to advise His Excellency the Governor to accept that resignation. The Government has como to this conclusion from the considerations stated in my former letter, that you were compelled to remain in England, not for private reasons, but in the performance of most important public services, with respect to which you have achieved a great success, to insure which necessitated your remaining beyond the time originally contemplated. The Government also recognizes that the length and character of your public service as Commissioner of Crown Lands, as well as in other important capacities, amply entitled you, even on private grounds, to an extension of leave. It is also aware that your ultimate return was unavoidably delayed for one month after you had taken your passage, by the unforeseen cessation of the Panama Steam Service. I have, &c, The Hon. W. Fitzherbert, Commissioner of Crown Lands, E. W. Stafford. Wellington.

No. 4.'. The Hon. W. Fitziierbert to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sib,— The Hutt, 17th November, 1869. 1 beg to tender my resignation of the office of Corninissioner of Crown Lands. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. William Fitzherbert. For Hon. Mr. Fox.—His Excellency should be advised to accept this resignation, and the Superintendent of Wellington informed accordingly. I suppose the late Acting-Commissioner (Mr. Holdsworth) should be appointed Mr. Fitzherbert's successor.—W. Gisborne. —20th November, 1869. Write accordingly, from His Excellency to Superintendent.—Wm. Fox.—22nd November, 1869. I concur in Mr. Holdsworth being appointed his successor, if the Superintendent concurs. For opinion of His Honor Dr. Featherston.—W. Gisborne.—23rd November, 18G9. I recommend the appointment of Mr. Holdsworth. —I. E. F. —2-lth November, 1869. Will the Hon. the Colonial Secretary arrange accordingly, settle salary, &c. It is understood that Mr. Holdsworth would continue to fulfil the duties of the provincial offices at present held by him.— W. Fox.—2sth November, 1869. For His Honor Dr. Featherston.—What salary does Mr. Holdsworth now draw for acting as Commissioner of Crown Lands ? Do you agree that that rate should continue to be drawn by him as Commissioner of Crown Lands, and will you adjust his provincial salaries accordingly ? His salary as Commissioner of Crown Lands is now chargeable to Land Fund.—W. Gisborne. —26th November, 1869. Mr. Holdsworth's salary is now £400, and allowances £74 15s. I recommend that his salary as Commissioner be £500 ; all his other payments will then cease, although ho will continue to perform the duties in connection with them. —I. E. Featherston. —29th November, 1869. His Excellency the Governor is recommended to accept this resignation, and to sign the Commission appointing Mr. Holdsworth.—W. Gisbohne. —Ist December, 1869.

No. 5. His Honor the Superintendent, Wellington, to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir,— Superintendent's Office, Wellington, 2Gth November, 1869. Mr. Ktzherbert has informed me of his intention to apply for a retiring allowance, and, to enable him to make his application, has requested me before I leave the colony to state the circumstances under which lie lias not been paid salary during the last two years. For some years Mr. Fitzherbert received £G5O per annum in virtue of his office of Commissioner of Crown Lands, and this amount would havo been paid to him daring the last two years had he not been in the receipt of other salary. I have, &c., I. E. Featherston, The Hon. W. Gisborne, Colonial Secretary. Superintendent.

No. 6. The Hon. W. Gisborne to the Hon. the Superintendent, Wellington. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 2nd December, 18G9. 1 have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Honor's letter of the 2Gth ultimo, furnishing certain information with reference to the intended application of Mr. Fitzherbert to apply for a retiring allowance. I have, &c., His Honor the Superintendent, Wellington. W. Gisborne.