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EXPENDITURE OF NATIVE DEPARTMENT CHARGED TO CIVIL LIST (RETURN OF). [In continuation of Papers 15.—8, presented 11th June, 1880.]

Presented to hotli Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Return of the Expenditure on Native Purposes charged to Cevil List, showing (1) the Permanent Charges on the Bth October, 1879; (2) the Eeductions since made by the Hon. Native Minister; (3) the Annual Saving of Expenditure effected through Vacancies caused by Death not having been filled up; (4) the Additions authorized by the Hou. Native Minister; (5) the Permanent Charges at the present date; and (6) the Contingent Expenditure charged to Civil List during Nine Months ended the 31st March, 1880. £ s. d. 1. Permanent charges on the Bth October, 1879. (For detailed statement vide Appendix A) ' ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,7G7 0 0 2. Eeductions since made by Hon. Native Minister. (Tor detailed statement vide Appendix B) ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,497 0 0 3. Annual, saving of expenditure effected through vacancies caused by death not having been filled up. (For detailed statement vide AppendixC) ... ... 240 0 0 4. Additions authorized by Hon. Native Minister. (For detailed statement vide Appendix D) ... ... ... ... ... ... 340 0 0 5. Permanent charges at present date. (For detailed statement vide Appendix E) ... 4,370 0 0 6. Contingent expenditure charged to Civil List during nine months ended 31st March, 1880, classified as follows : — 1. Expenditure authorized and incurred before the present Administration ... ... ... ...£l5B 17 10 2. Expenditure continued during present Administration, but previously authorized ... ... ... ... 34 S 6 3. Expenditure authorized and incurred during the present Administration. ... ... ... ... 52 11 2 (For detailed statement vide Appendix F.) £245 17 6 T. W. Lewis, Native Office, Ist June, 1880. Under-Secretary.