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Interest credited depositors in 1879 was £31,715 18s. 2d. Examined and found correct: John Hall, James Edward FitzGehald, Postmaster- General. Controller and Auditor- General.' 26th April, 1880. General Post Office, Wellington, 27th April, 1880.

Balance-sheet of New Zealand Post Office Account for the Year ended the 31st December, 1879.

Balances on 1st January, 1879. Transactions. Balances on 31st 'ecember, 1879. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Monet Order Accounts: — Money orders Commission ... United Kingdom Victoria South Australia New South Wales Queensland ... Tasmania Western Australia Savings Bank Accounts :— Deposits and withdrawals Transfers TXnpaid expenses £ s. d. 8,354 16 4 23,588 5 4 354 12 1 90 9 1 48 1 5 117 7 3 79 14 5 819,071 8 2 3,395 0 1 1,250 0 0 £ s. d. 475 19 6 £ s. d. 131,730 5 11 8,503 7 4 ! 92,594 11 10 25,337 5 11 |. 1,377 19 0 9,411 16 1 [ 953 6 10 I 2,912 0 0 97 4 6 £ s. d. 450,765 9 2 8,514 4 7 96,112 18 11 25,830 8 2 1,473 14 4 9,124 8 9 968 12 8 2,852 14 8 137 10 3 £ s. d. 9,319 13 1 20,069" 18 3 335 8 9 j 102 1 5 138 19 9 £ a. d. 48616 9 138" 9 8 5 6 3 91 3 0 6017 3 844,115 10 1 102,734 13 7 ... 876,180 19 3 105,793 4 7 1,250 0 0 787,005 19 0 336 9 1 ... Revenue Accounts: — Postage stampa Postal Guides Private-box and bag rents Miscellaneous revenue ... Postal revenue —total 28,042 14 4 17 0 8,535" 6 i\ I 119,853 9 2 493 8 0 3,268 11 0 24,890 15 9 141,448 19 7 105,887 3 1 491 16 6 3,268 11 0 24,890 15 9 149,268 11 3 I 42,009 0 5 2 18 6 ... 71514 81 i Genebal Accounts :— Post Office Account Postmasters Investments... Accrued interest on investments Imperial pensions Receipts in aid of voted services Advances to Treasury for payment of foreign money orders... Commission on postage stamps Gratuities for carriage of mails Miscellaneous expenses ... Suspense Profit and loss ... i 60" 0 0 7" 12 6 2,747 11 3 77,046 19 10 44,102 7 9 746,121 15 6 7,652 9 8 20,000 0 0 77 7 9 161 17 2i 54 11 8 1 I 583,169 19 5 1,523,702 4 4 208,700 0 0 7,652 9 8 43 8 5 190 18 0 i 31.950 0 0 \ 997 11 7 I 1,982 7 2 S 920 2 1 38.951 2 4 527,333 17 9 1,533,833 5 8 227,000 0 0 8,108 17 4 43 8 5 227 18 0 30,000 0 0 993 6 10 1,979 10 5 928 9 7 7 12 6 34,715 18 2 23 0 0 6,982" 15 5 21,210 18 2 54,233' 9 1 76i,421 15 6 8,108 17 4 18,050 0 0 73 3 0 159 0 61 62 19 2 Total ... 895,744 6 li 895,744 6 11 895,744 6 li 4,227,983 7 7 4,227,983 7 7 867,041 18 41 867,041 18 41