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No. 59. The Manages, Bank of New Zealand, to the Secbetabt to the Treasury. Sic, — Bank of New Zealand, Wellington, 2nd February, 1880. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 31st ultimo, enclosing draft No. A 272, for £250,000, drawn on the Managing Director, Bank of New Zealand, London. This draft was purchased at par, and the proceeds were placed to the credit of the Public Account on 31st January. I have, &c , GEOEGE E. ToLHtTEST, The Secretary to the Treasury, Wellington. Manager.

No. 60. The Seceetaey to the Tbeasuet to the Manages, Colonial Bank of New Zealand. Sib, — Treasury, Wellington, 2nd February, 1880. I have the honor, by direction of the Colonial Treasurer, to hand you herewith, bill of exchange for £50,000, in triplicate, drawn on the Bank of New Zealand, London, in favour of your Bank, on demand, and dated this day. You will please instruct your London office, on due payment of the said bill of exchange, to hand to the Agent-General for this colony a fixed-deposit receipt for the sum of £50,000, in the names of the Colonial Treasurer and Controller and Auditor-General, payable at twelve months' date, at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, the Government to have the option of receiving payment of the principal and interest either in London or in the colony, as may be determined, upon giving three months' notice in writing of the place where they desire payment to be made. I have, &c, The Manager, Colonial Bank of New Zealand, J. B. Heywood, Wellington. (for Secretary to the Treasury).

No. 61. The Manageb, Colonial Bank of New Zealand, to the Colonial Teeastteer. Sir,— Colonial Bank of New Zealand, Wellington, 9th February, 1880. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated this day, covering bill of exchange on the Bank of New Zealand, London, on demand, for £50,000 —say, fifty thousand pounds— which has gone forward to our London office, with instructions, upon payment of same, to hand the Agent-General for the colony a fixed-deposit receipt for a like amount in the names of the Colonial Treasurer and Controller and Auditor-General, payable at twelve months' date, bearing interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, the Government to have the option of receiving payment of principal and interest either in London or the colony, as may be determined by the Government, by their giving three mouths' notice in writing of the point where they desire payment to be made. I have, &c, W. Cheistie, The Hon. the Colonial Treasurer, Wellington. Manager.

No. 62. The Colonial Teeasueee to the Agent-Genebal. Sic, — Treasury, New Zealand, Wellington, 9th February, 1880. I have the honor to inform you that arrangements have been entered into by the Government, for the deposit of £50,000 with the Colonial Bank of New Zealand for the fixed period of twelve months, at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum. A bill of exchange for that amount has this day been issued in favour of the Colonial Bank here, and said bill has been drawn upon the Bank of New Zealand, London, payable on demand ; and I am further instructed by the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer to advise you that the Colonial Bank will hand you, upon due payment of the draft drawn, a fixeddeposit receipt for the above-named sum. The Colonial Bank has also been informed that the Government reserve to themselves the right of having principal and interest paid either in London or in the colony, as they may decide, upon giving three months' notice in writing to the Bank. Bank order enclosed, you will please make use of for the purpose of retiring the above-mentioned bill of exchange. I have, &0., The Agent-General for New Zealand, J. B. Hetwood, London. (for Secretary to the Treasury).

No. 63. The Colonial Teeasiteeb to the Agent-Geneeal. Sm, — Treasury, New Zealand, Wellington, 9th February, 1880. With reference to a communication addressed to you to-day by Mr. Heywood, acting in. the absence of Mr. Gavin, I have to request you will give effect to the tenor and instructions of the said note as if given under my own hand, the same having been signed by Mr. Heywood inadvertently. 1 have, &c, Sir Julius Vogel, K.C.M.G., Agent-General, London. H. A. Atkinson. 3—B. 4a.