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Enclosure in No. 36. The New Zealand Public Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. <\. Balance in Bank on 9th Sept. ... 6,063 14 2 ; Interest and Sinking FundDue 15 Sept 8,060 0 0 To be received into the Bank „ 1 Oct 3,198 0 0 to meet the charges as per ~ 16 109,246 10 0 contra— „ 1 Not 12,500 0 0 Guaranteed debentures ... 50,000 0 0 „ 1 Dee 4,000 0 0 „ 15 „ 13,196 0 0 New Loan— „ 31 „ 15,615 0 0 Advances advised, £302,500 „ 1 Jan 3,501 0 0 Less paid to 9th „ 15 „ 155,136 0 0 Sept, ... 100,000 324,453 0 0 202,500 0 0 Drafts on Crown Agents - Due 2 Dec 150,000 O 0 Required to meet drafts 350,000 0 0 „ 31 , 100,000 O 0 Balance required ... 492,393 12 9 „ 28 Jan 100,000 O 0 1,044,893 12 9 350,000 0 0 Bank orders sent to Agent-General— Dated 1 March ... 70,444 O 0 „ 26 April 51,200 O 0 „ 28 July 5,000 0 0 „ 16 Aug 31,774 16 11 Note.—£loo,ooo in excess of this amount „ 16 „ 194,220 O O has already been credited, and is included ~ 4 Sept.... ... 15,000 0 O in above balance of £6,063 14s, 2d. „ 13 „ 17,930 0 0 „ 11 Oct 13,700 10 O „ 11 „ 10,000 0 0 „ 27 , 10,000 0 0 7 Not 7,235 O 0 426,504 6 11 £1,100,957 6 11 £1,100,957 6 11 Accountant's Office, Treasury, Jas. B. Hbtwood, Wellington, Bth November, 1879. Accountant to the Treasury.

No. 37. The Managee, Bank of New Zealand, to the Seceetaet to the Treasury. Sic, — Bank of New Zealand, Wellington, 11th November, 1879. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of Bth instant, enclosing ten drafts of £10,000 each, on the Crown Agents for the Colonies, London, which have been placed to the credit of the Public Account, less the usual exchange. I have, &c., E. W. Kane, The Secretary to the Treasury, Wellington. pro Manager.

No. 38. The Pbemiee to the Loan Agents. (From Wellington, 10/11/79.) Julyan, Vogel, Ommanney, London. What steps taking respecting loan ? Hall.

No. 39. The Pbejiieb to the Loan Agents. (From Wellington, 17/11/79.) Julyan, Vogel, Ommanney, London. Financial Statement this day. Make financial year end March 81. Ordinary Bevenue well maintained. Large falling off Land Sales caused deficiency. Propose remove Land Sales from Consolidated Revenue to amount available for appropriation for Public Works. Restore equilibrium by Property Tax, £470,000, Customs additions, £300,000. For deficiency past, and to March 31, issue Treasury Bills £800,000. Power convert Treasury Bills under Inscribed Stock Act, indispensable. Will obtain necessary legislative authority. Ham.

No. 40. The Peemiee to tbe Loan Agents. ■ (From Wellington, 23/11/79.) Julyan, Vogel, Ommanney, London. Change Land Fund merely departmental. Security for loans remains unaltered. Eight hundred thousand are new bills, meet deficiency current year. No doubt arrange floating these here