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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 18 10-81. 8ALAEIES AND CONTINGENCIES— continued. £ s. d. £ B. d. 63 64 65 66 VOTE No. 53— continued. Napier and Waipukwau — 2 Assessors at £30 Police Marlborough — Assessor Nelson — 2 Assessors at £10 Ghristchurcli — Interpreter (and £100 Native Schools) 3 Assessors Police Dunedin — 5 Assessors 60 0 12 0 20 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 67 68 69 200 0 65 0 25 0 0 0 0 70 145 0 0 General Contingencies for purchase of food and clothing for indigent Natives, also for rewards and presents to Native Chiefs, and for the encouragement of agricultural pursuits, &c. Salaries of Medical Officers, medicines and medical comforts for Natives 5,946 10 0 71 3,000 0 0 72 2,000 0 0 Total—Vote No. 53 ... 5,000 0 0 13,478 10 0 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 VOTE No. 51. Pensions (Native) — Aramata Pongahuru, Widow... Maora Mataroa „ Meri Katea „ lliria Karaitiana „ Henare, child of William Christie, deceased Wiremu „ ., „ Interest on £2,000, part purchase-money of Stewart Island Expenses of Iiuakaka Commission Compensation for canoe, Tokiatapiri, vide Native Affairs Committee's Report of 22nd October, 1879 John Aubin, Alexandra, claims for medicines and medical comforts supplied to Natives from 5th July to 1st November, 1879 Expenses Royal Commission, Middle Island Gratuity to the Native Chief Taurua, in fulfilment of promises made by the late Sir Donald McLean and the Hon. Mr. Sheohan W. H. Grace, Compensation for loss of Oflice J. J. Keys, payment in full satisfaction for loss connected with Mill for Natives at Ohinemutu Passages of Natives between Wellington and Tauranga 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 !) 160 0 194 3 0 0 200 0 0 10 162 IS 720 15 8 9 11 12 50 0 58 G 0 8 13 14 37 0 0 15 24 0 0 Total Vote No. 54 ... 1,698 19 1 TOTAL OF CLASS IX. • • * £15,1 7 9 1