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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1880-81. £ s. d. Vote 34.—General Post Office 4,000 0 0 „ 35.—Chief Offices and Sub-Offices 43,329 0 0 „ 36. —Conveyance of Mails by Sea 64,148 0 0 „ 37.—Conveyance of Inland Mails 30,975 0 0 „ 38.—Carriage of Mails by Railway 700 0 0 ,. 39. —Contingencies ,.. 4,763 2 1 . 40. —Telegraphic Department 102,592 10 0 ,, 41.—Subsidy for Australian Cable 10,850 0 0 TOTAL OP CLASS V. .., 261,357 12 1 tern. 18 iO-81. POSTAL DEPAETMENT. 1 2 3 VOTE No. 34. G-eneeal Post Office— Secretary Inspector of Post Offices Accountant Money Orders and Savings Banks Chief Clerk 9 Clerks, 1 at £285, 1 at £275, 1 at £235, 1 at £175,2 at £105,1 at £130,1 at £140, 1 at £115 2 Cadets at £95 Travelling Expenses of Inspector £ 600 500 s. d. 0 0 0 0 £ s. d. 4 5 450 325 0 0 0 0 1,685 190 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,000 0 0 0 7 Total —Vote No. 34 ... 1 2 4 VOTE No. 35. Chief Offices and Sub-Offices— Chief Office, Auclcland — Chief Postmaster Chief Clerk Money Order Clerk 12 Clerks, 1 at £225,1 at £220, 2 at £175, 1 at £180, 2 at £150, 1 at £135, 1 at £130,1 at £120, and 2 at £100 ... 6 Cadets at £95 8 Letter Carriers, 1 at £150, 2 at £140, 2 at £120, 2 at £115, and 1 at £100 ... Messenger Assistant Messenger 500 325 215 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,860 570 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 1,000 115 60 0 0 0 0 c 0