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No. 345 of Session 11., 1879.—Petition of Tiki Waata Pakihi and Others. Petitioners state that they reuide at Maketu, Bay of Plenty; that in 1864, certain disloyal Natives burnt their houses, destroyed their canoes, agricultural implements, &c, to the amount of £853. That in 1865, the Hauhaus burnt the petitioners' schooner, which had cost £506, and destroyed property on board valued at £19. That, in consequence of a Proclamation of the Government, the petitioners in 1865 sent claims to a Commissioner appointed to hear them; that the evidence had been forwarded to Wellington, but that nothing had ever been done in reference to it, though much had been done for rebel tribes. The petitioners pray for early consideration and redress. I am directed to report as follows : — That the matter be referred to the Government. 2nd July, 1880.

[Tbanslation.] No. 345 of Session 11., 1879. —Pukupuka-inoi a Timi Waata Pakihi me etahi atu. Eei ana nga Kai-pitihana c noho ana ratou kei Maketu, Bay of Plenty. No te tau 1864, ka tahuna c etahi Maori whawhai ki a Te Kuini o ratou whare, ka pakaruhia o ratou waka, a ratou mea ngakinga kai, me etahi atu taonga c tae ana nga utu mo aua mea katoa kite £853. Na no te tau 1865, ka tahuna c nga Hauhau to kaipuke a nga Kai-pitihana ko tona utu c £506. Ko nga taonga i ngaro i runga c tae ana kite £19. No runga i tetahi panui a te Kawanatanga ka tukua atu c nga Kai-pitihana o ratou tono i te tau 1865, ki tetahi Komihana i whakaturia ano hei whakarongo i aua tono. Na ko nga korero katoa i tukua ki Poneke, erangi kaore ano hold he tikanga kia mahia, ahakoa he nui nga tikanga kua mahia mo nga iwi Hauhau. Heoi c tono ana nga Kai-pitihana kia wawe te whakaaro i taua mea, a te whakaputa hoki i tetahi ora. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei:— Kia tukua tenei mea kite Kawanatanga. 2 Hurae, 1880.

No. 379 of Session 11., 1879.—Petition of Wieemtj Te Oka and 10 Others. Petitionees state that they are rightful owners of land at Pakiki, which was sold stealthily by one person to an European, before the war with Hone Heke ; that they had repeatedly applied to have the land put through the Native Land Court, and had had always for answer that the land had been already Crown granted. That they cannot allow it to be occupied by Europeans, and that if Parliament will not grant redress, they will occupy the land. I am directed to report as follows: — That this land seems to have been sold to an European many years ago, and has long been Crowngranted ; and that the Committee therefore has no recommendation to make. Ist July, 1880.

[Tbanslation.] No. 379 of Session 11., 1879.—Pukapuka-inoi a Wibemtt Te Oka me etahi atu 10. E ki ana nga Kai-pitihana ko ratou nga tangata tika o te whenua i Pakiri, i hokona tahaetia c tetahi tangata kotahi ki tetahi pakeha i mua atu i te whawhai ki a Hone Heke; he maha o a ratou tono kia whakawakia taua whenua c te Kooti Whenua Maori a ko nga utu ki a ratou tono ko te ki kuaKarauna karaatitia taua whenua. E mea ana ratou c kore c tukua c ratou kia nohoia taua whenua c te pakeha, kite kore c whakaeatia c te Kawanatanga to ratou mate tera ratou c noho ki runga kite whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei:— Ko tenei whenua kua hokona noatia atu ki tetahi pakeha i nga tau maha kua pahure ake nei, a kua roa noa atu c Karauna karaati ana; heoi kaore he kupu ate Komiti. 1 Hurae, 1880.

No. 378 of Session 11., 1879. —Petition of Wieemtj Waitangi and 10 Others. Petitionees ask that land at Te Euato and Waiwarawara, near Waikato, should be returned to them, but do not state the ground of their request; they however give the boundaries of the land. I am directed to report as follows : — That the Committee has learned that the petitioners were rebel natives, and now wander about from one place to another without settled homes ; and the Committee recommends this and similar cases to the consideration of the Government, with a view to a satisfactory settlement of the Native question ; and that if needful, legislation be invited empowering the grant of land on condition of permanent occupation and loyal conduct; the Committee also think that all such grants should be inalienable. Ist July, 1880.

[Teanslation.] No. 378 of Session 11., 1879.—Pukapuka-inoi a Wieemu Waitangi me etalii atu 10. E tono ana nga Kai-pitiliana kia whakahokia ki a ratou a Te Buato me Waiwarawara c tata ana ki Waikato, ko te whakamarama i nga take i tono ai ratou i kore, erangi ko nga rohe ano o te whenua i homai. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei:— Kua matau te Komiti he Maori era, nga Kai-pitihana, i whawhai ki a Te Kuini, a c haereere ana ratou