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Balances on 30 June, 1879. Net Transactions, 1879-80. Balances on 31 March, 1880. Dr. Cr. Dr. Expenditure. Cr. Beceipts. Dr. Cr. CONSOLIDATED BUND :— Bevenue Account (including Provincial Liabilities) Treasury Bills Account ... Deficiency Bills Account ... Bills Beceivaele Account ... Accounts of Local Bodies, — Bevenue from License and other Bees Bevenue from Lands made over Gold Bields Bevenue • Gold Duty ... Counties Separate Accounts Advance Account Deposits Account PUBLIC WOEKS BUND :— Ordinary Account Advances to the Consolidated Bund investment account SUSPENSE ACCOUNT •— Beceipts in the Colony Beceipts in London ... ... ... *-... £ s. d. 558,826 6 5 £ s. d. £ a. d. 3.118,754 7 9 442,000 o o £ a. d. 2,154,807 19 11 792,000 o o 650,000 o o 65,361 6 4 £ a. d. 1,522,772 14 3 £ a. d. 1,182,000 o o 650,000 o o 832,000 o o 82,524 8 4 17,163 2 o 304 3 8 19 5 o 1,152 2 4 2,963 2 9 7.424 10 5 15.052 18 3 2,853 5 6 11,228 14 11 21,763 11 6 93,387 5 8 14,980 18 9 2,853 5 6 ii,74o 9 5 21,956 16 o 90,075 16 7 i,843 15 1 124,5" 3 3 232 4 2 19 5 o 1,663 *6 IO 3,i5 6 7 3 4>"3 ' 4 4.io7 9 5 2,263 '4 4 38,537 16 2 72,788 19 3 90,260 o 2 506,205 10 6 3,207,381 4 9 1,223,800 o o 57,000 o o 4,928,349 8 4 231,800 o o 992,000 o o 57,000 o o 2,227,173 14 1 489 5 9 654 12 6 4,199,320 o 5 654 12 6 4,201,719 6 2 153 13 o 2,888 11 6 153 13 o 645.458 4 2 1,389.75° 9 1 645,458 4 2 2,591,199 10 4,161,660 13 4 2,591,199 IO 7 1,570,461 2 9 PUBLIC ACCOUNT :— Bank op New Zealand in the Colony Bank op New Zealand in London NEW ZEALAND LOAN 1879 DEPOSIT ACCOUNT •— Moneys Deposited eor Fixed Periods with other Banks in London BILLS BECEIVABLE ACCOUNT :— Bank Drapts on London BILLS PAYABLE ACCOUNT:— Bills on London... ADVANCE ACCOUNTS:— Imperial Government General Account Imperial Government Pensions Account Miscellaneous Imprests Foreign Imprest Account ... 95,626 17 6 317,831 o 0 ________ 102,323 9 11 4 " 12,465,985 o 6 4,201,719 6 2 3,7i3,937 1 8 1,229,000 o o 13,292,153 18 3,991,063 4 11 3,882,609 18 10 317,831 o o 306,282 18 9 1,229,000 o o i 270,996 7 1 875,000 o o 1,125,000 o o 250,000 o o 274 4 1 23,736 8 2 1,225,913 7 2 603,054 8 10 23,410 10 8 1,169,758 4 1 536,518 15 8 274 4 1 325 17 6 122,343 16 4 433,230 13 2 66,188 13 3 366,695 0 0 ... 846,615 14 10 102,323 9 11 744,292 4 11 102,323 9 11 2,091,457 9 520,996 7_ 10 520,996 11,872,360 12 o 11,046.191 14 1,570,461 2 9