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GENERAL BALANCE-SHEET :— ~A aß CAsn Accounts ... ... ... ... ... ... , Interest and Sinking Fund Remittance Account ... ... ... 3 Public Debt and Sinking Fund Accounts ... ... ... ... _ CONSOLIDATED FUND :— Account op Receipts and Expenditure ... ... ... ... ... g Statement op Assets Realized and Liabilities Paid ... ... ... ... i-j Revenue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... _* Miscellaneous Recoveries ... ... ... ... ... ... ... _$ Land Revenue Receipts in Detail ... ... ... ... ... 9 g Disbursements op the Revenue Account :— Civil List ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Interest and Sinking Fund ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 Under Special Acts op the General Assembly ... ... ... ... ... 27 The Appropriation Account ... ... ... ... ~.- ... 3L Statement in Detail op the Expenditure under Miscellaneous Services Votes ... ... 30 Unauthorized Expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... _\ Balance-sheet op Accounts of Local Bodies :— Revenue prom License and Other Fees ... ... ... ... ... 42 Revenue prom Lands ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 44 Gold Fields Revenue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 44 Gold Duty ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 44 Counties Separate Accounts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 45 Advance Account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... __ Balance-sheet op Deposit Accouuts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 Statement op Advances Outstanding-... ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 PUBLIC WORKS FUND .— Account op Receipts and Expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... _q St4ltement op Miscellaneous Recoveries ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 52 The Appropriation Account ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 54 unautnorizkd expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 57 Statement op Advances Outstanding- ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 57 THE PUBLIC DEBT AND SINKING FUNDS : — Statement op the Public Debt ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 60 Account of Receipts and Disbursements op the Sinking Funds ... ... ... ... G2