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That Australia be divided into six meteorological areas for transmission of reports to New Zealand —viz., Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland; South Australia being divided into two districts, tropical and extra-tropical. 13. That the extreme importance of the weather system proposed be strongly urged upon the Queensland Government, with a view to obtain their more active co-operation. 14. That, as investigation of the Newcastle tide-gauges has shown that such instruments give valuable indications of distant earthquakes, gales, and sea-disturbances, it is desirable, in the opinion of the Conference, that self-registering tide-gauges be established in as many convenient places as possible on the coast, in connection with the Meteorological Departments of the different colonies. - To give effect to the resolutions, and to promote the efficiency and economy of the service, I consider it will be necessary to reorganize both the Meteorological and Weather-signal Departments in the direction I indicated in my early reports on the subject in 1867 and 1873. Time-Ball Seeyice. The astronomical observations required for regulating the time throughout the colony are still taken by the Ven. Archdeacon Stock. The second clock for sidereal, time has now arrived in the colony, and will be shortly placed in position. It has been procured from Messrs. Dent by the Agent-General, and, being a first-class instrument, will afford great additional security to the correctness of the observatory work. Laboeatoey. The number of analyses performed in the Colonial Laboratory during the past year is 323, which makes up the total number to 2,724. These are subdivided as follows, the same classification being used as heretofore:— Coals and oils ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 Eocks and minerals ... ... ... ... ... 57 Metals and ores... ... ... ... ... ... 36 Examinations for silver and gold ... ... ... ... 159 Waters ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 Total ... ... ... ... ... 323 All analyses of interest or importance are given in full in the annual report on the work performed in the laboratory, published separately. Libbaey. There have been 120 volumes added to the Institute Library; but, owing to want of space, it has been impossible to arrange the books in the most convenient manner for reference. The catalogue which was prepared last year, and which includes the books belonging to the Wellington Philosophical Society, has been kept up to date. In accordance with the report of the Public Petitions Committee dated 28th November, 185T9, the books of the Provincial Library of the Province of Wellington have been deposited in the Colonial Museum. They have been arranged and catalogued, and it has been found that a large number of volumes are missing, and many valuable works rendered almost useless owing to the absence of one or more volumes. Although the books have been arranged, the space available at the Museum is quite insufficient for their proper display or to allow of their being made use of by the public.

Accounts of the New Zealand Institute, 1879-80. lieceipts. £_.<}> Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance in hand on 21st July, 1879 ... 140 16 3 Balance due for printing Vol. XI. ... ... 155 13 2 Vote for 1879-80 ... ... ... 500 0 0 On account of printing Vol. XII. ... ... 504 10 0 Contribution from Wellington Philosophical Miscellaneous items (including woodcuts, LiSociety (one-sixth of annual revenue) ... 36 14 2 brary catalogue, &c.)... ... ... 17 0 0 Prom Westland Institute, in aid of Vol. XI. ... 3 0 0 Balance ... ~, ... ... 483 Sale of a volume of Transactions ~, ~, 110 £681 11 5 £681 11 5 A. Stock, 21st July, 1880. Treasurer.

By Authority: G-eokg-e Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBo. Price 6d.]