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Jan. 11. Sold to William Herne— 2J chests honey pekoe, 131 lb. net, at 2s. sd. ... 15 16 7 „ 12. Paid wages ... ... ... ... 3 10 „ 14. Accepted draft of Jonas Thompson at 1 month ... 34 0 0 Eeceived of Joan Brough acceptance at 2 months ... 15 18 8 Paid into bank for discount, Brough's and Flockton's bills — discount, 4s. Bd. ... ... ... ... 60 18 8 „ 19. Paid wages ... ... ... ... 3 10 „ 24. Drew cheque on bank ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Paid John Travers ... ... ... ... 22 10 0 „ 26. Paid wages ... ... ... ... 3 10 Paid into my account at bank by William Herne, to balance 15 16 0 „ 28. Flockton's bill returned from bank dishonored ... 45 0 0 2. Post the above transactions into the ledger given herewith. No index need be made. 3. Balance and close the ledger. Assume stock in hand to be worth £125. SHOKTHAND. 1. Take down in shorthand the passage dictated to you. 2. Transcribe into longhand from your notes the passage which you have taken down. Directions to the Stjpebtisoe. The Supervisor is requested, (1.) To inform the candidate, before the time for taking up this subject arrives, that he may use pen or pencil, and ruled or unruled paper, as he pleases, for taking notes ; but that he must transcribe those notes into longhand with pen and ink. (2.) Not to allow the candidate to see the passage which is to be dictated. (3.) To dictate the passage as nearly as possible as though it were a slowly-delivered speech. (4.) To note on the top of the first sheet of the candidate's work exactly the time occupied by the candidate in taking down the passaga in notes, and the time occupied in transcribing his notes into longhand.

By Authority : Geoegb Didsbfby, GoTernment Printer, Wellington.—lBBo. Price Is. 6d.]