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5. The Board shall have power, subject to the Governor's approval, to vary the optional subjects and to frame such further rules for the conduct of examinations as they may deem fit, due notice of which shall be published in the New Zealand Gazette. 6. Eyery candidate must pass a certain standard of proficiency, to be fixed by the Board of Examiners. The Board, in publishing the result of examinations, shall classify the successful candidates according to merit; but the examination is not competitive for office, the Government being entitled to select any successful candidate for appointment at its discretion. 7. Examinations shall be held at such times and places, and before such persons, as the Board may from time to time appoint. 8. Jttniob Examination. Compulsory Subjects — English. —Including dictation, reading, spelling, grammar, and composition. Arithmetic. —lncluding vulgar and decimal fractions. History. Geography. Optional Subjects — Shorthand. Maori. 9. Senioe Examination. Compulsory Subjects — English, Arithmetic, and Geography. Optional Subjects — Latin, Greeh, French, German, Italian, Maori, Plane Trigonometry, Algebra, Geometry, Physical Science, History, Book-keeping, Shorthand. —ln addition to the compulsory subjects the candidate must pass in at least three of the optional subjects, one of which must be a language. 10. Any candidate may undergo the Junior and Senior Examinations at the same time; but no candidate shall be eligible for the Senior Examination unless he has passed the Junior Examination. 11. Every passed candidate may receive a certificate, signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Board, on payment of a fee of one pound. 12. Although shorthand is not a compulsory subject, great importance will be attached to a knowledge of it in the selection of candidates for the Civil Service. Officers already in the Service may be separately examined in shorthand, and a special certificate given accordingly. 13. A register of candidates who have been examined shall be kept by the Board, and lists of those •who pass shall be published from time to time in the New Zealand Gazette..

ETJLES PEESCEIBED BY THE BOAED OF EXAMINEES, WITH THE APPEOVAL OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVEENOE. [To come into force on the Ist January, 1881.] I. Conduct op. Examinations. 1. Examinations will be held in April and October. 2. The Board will not examine candidates under the age of fifteen. 8. All candidates for examination must make application to the Secretary, according to Form A in the Schedule. 4. Certificates of age and character must be forwarded with the application. 5. Applications must be lodged not later than the Ist March for the April examination, and not later than the Ist September for the October examination. 6. Notice will be given to candidates by the Secretary to the Board, or by the Local Supervisor, of the exact time and place of examination. Further instructions will also be forwarded at the same time. 11. Subjects. JTJNIOE EXAMINATION. Compulsory Subjects — English. —Dictation, reading, spelling, grammar, and composition. Arithmetic. —Including vulgar and decimal fractions. History. —History of England. Geography. Optional Subjects — Shorthand. Maori. SENIOE EXAMINATION. Compulsory Subjects — English. —Grammar and composition, including abstract and precis writing; also dictation and reading, if the Board think necessary. Arithmetic. Geography. —Political and Physical. Optional Subjects —■ Any three or more of the following, at the option of the candidate, provided that one of the subjects selected be a language : — Latin. Greek. The Board will give due notice in the New Zealand Gazette of the portion of each Latin and Greek author in which they will examine candidates. French. German.