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K.—Table showing Conduct of Boys Apprenticed from the School prior to 31st March, 1880.

1 The information required for this Return has not been procured. Total, 64.

L.—Return of Absconders during nine months ending 31st March, 1880.

Enclosure 3. Dr. Goldsboro' to the Secretary of the Marine Department. Sir,— Auckland, 15th May, 1880. I have the honor to state that the health of the inmates of the Government Training School, Kohimarama, has been satisfactory since the date of my last report. No deaths have occurred, and most of the cases have been of the ordinary type affecting boys in general. One extremely severe case of dysentrjj occurred, and I found it necessary to remove the patient to the Provincial District Hospital for closer observation and better attention than 1 could possibly render him at the school. This I did under the sanction of the Hon. Mr. Hall, then in Auckland. I made forty-five visits during this period ; inspected the boys weekly; examined every boy on admission, and attended to the sanitary condition of the school. (Cases 180.) Since the erection of the ward for isolating patients suffering from contagious skin diseases, <&c, and the oven for fumigation and disinfecting the clothes and bedding, I am happy to report the cessation of itchj which formerly it was almost impossible to banish from the school. One boy was admitted from the south with this complaint upon him, and he was maimed in the left hand, the greater portion of index and middle fingers having been amputated. Another has suffered from severe injury to the knee-joint (the left) in Germany, and was subsequentlyremoved to the Provincial District Hospital. I consider him an unhealthy boy, and of low mental capacity. In consequence of the constant breaking down of the Government steam launch, I have been compelled to visit the school by the road, portions of which are in a very bad condition in dry weather, in winter almost impassible and frequently dangerous. The dormitory has been greatly benefltted, and the ventilation improved by the removal of the wooden and the substitution of iron bunks; it is still, however, overcrowded. I have to reiterate my thanks to Captain Breton, the manager, for the assistance and kindness rendered to myself, and the aid given to the boys during my absence. By his prompt action and skill many cases that might have proved troublesoule have been averted.

itEPORT. Total. Particulars. Bad. Xo Report. Good. Fair. Indifferent.

Boys' Kame. No. No. of times absconded during above-named period. Pievious to 1st July, 11:79. Remarks. leatley, Charles... )unn, Wm. Jateman, Rd. imith, C. P. jaird, Wm. Element, J. A. ... iuden, J. Connolly, T. Cneebone, J. R.... r loyd, Wm. larkins, J. 141 180 152 155 183 173 87 133 153 166 171 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 1 Brought back by police. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto ; four times over by a member oE staff. Ditto once; returned voluntarily twice. Ditto three times; returned voluntary once. Returned voluntarily. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Not apprehended. Ditto. "i tobinson, J. 157 3 Veils, W. 15G 4 Smith, A. B, Tavna, J. Jooper, G. /TcCormick J. 5yrne, T. )oben, A. 102 170 143 100 177 163 1 o 1 1 2 1 i