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Return No. 2, showing Results of Storm-Warnings received at Grahamstown during the Month of March, 1880.

"W. Davies, Harbor Master.

Return No. 1, showing Results of Storm-Warnings received at New Plymouth during the month of March, 1880.

! ! I I Wm. Nobthckoft, Meteorological Observer.

Return No. 2, showing Results of Storm-Warnings received at Castlepoint during the month of March, 1880.

W. A. Harding, Telegraphist

Date and Hour deceived. Indicated "Weather. Kesult. Be mark v # * Forty-eight hours from the time of receipt should be allowed before the warning is considered to hare failed. Direction. 20th, 5.20 p.m. 25th, 4.45 p.m. Bad weather probable any direction between S. and W. and N.W.; glass further fall, but rising within 24 hours Bad weather probable any direction between S.E. and E. and N.; glass further fall; expect high tides and much rain Bad weather probable any direction between S.E. and E. and N.; glass fall soon ; much rain within 24 hours ; expect high tides Indications continue same as wired yesterday S. by "W. E.S.E. 3 to 5 4 to 5 Barometer good ; glass fell considerably, and appearance weather indicated change ; had little wind until 23rd, when it blew strong W. gale, after which the glass rose rapidly. Barometer good ; weather generally fine ; glass fell nearly 4-10ths, but rose almost immediately ; tides very high, but no rain. 30th, 5.25 p.m. E. by N. 3 to 6 Barometer wrong; weather continued fine ; glass rising steadily ; no sign change ; tides high ; no rain. 31st, 4.40 p.m. No change; glass still rising ; wind variable. This month has been one of unusually fine weather here.

8th, 3.56 Bad weather probably any direction between North and West and Southwest ; glass fall again within 12 hours, but rise and sea making within 24 hours N.E. 4 to 6 Glass rose -13 on the 9th, and fell '19 on the 10th, and to 29'22 at 5 p.m. ou 11th. The gale generally appears to reach here from 24 to 48 hours after warning 15th, 4.15 p.m. Strong winds between South-east and East and North ; glass further fall, indications rain South 7 to 8 Barometer wrong. No rain. 20th, 4.22 Strong winds between South-east and East and North ; further fall glass and rain S.E. 8 to 9 Strong S.E. winds from 23rd to 29th. Bain on 22nd. 3Jst, 3.54 Bad weather probable between Southeast and East and North; glass fall, rain within 24 hours Wrong 5 to 6 Glass rose steadily from 31st to 5th April. No rain. The weather has been very exceptional ; copious rains have fallen in the bush district to within two or three miles of the town of New Plymouth, but for a radius of a mile and a half scarcely a drop has fallen

10th, 1.16 p.m. Bad weather probable, any direction between S.W. and S. and E ; glass further fall; sea likely heavy within 12 hours. Good 7 to 10 Barometer good; heavy S.W. gale from 10; p.m. of 10th to morning of 12th ; glass fell to 28'94 night of 11th ; heavy swell come in morning of 11th. 15th, 4.28 p.m. Indications S.E. and E. and North ; glass fall; sea increase. Good 5 toG Barometer good ; E.S.E. breeze on 15th ; glass fell slightly ; sea increased to heavy swell. 17th, 3.44 p.m. Bad weather probable, any direction between S.W. and i.. and E.; sea very heavy within 24 hours. Good 7 to 9 Succession of gales with steady rain, constantly shifting from E. to S.W. by the S. from night of 18th, until morning of 24th ; at 7.30 a.m. of 23rd, was blowing S.W. 9 to 11, heavy swell and rough sea continued all the time.