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Return No. 1, showing Results of Storm-Warnings received at Blenheim during the month of October, 1879.

W. S. Furby, Telegraphist.

Return No. 1, showing Results of Storm-Warnings received at Napier Spit during the month of October, 1879.

W. Wilkie, Telegraphist.

Return No. 1, showing results of Storm-Warnings received at Taupo during the Month of October, 1879.

Geo. Grossman, Telegraphist.

Date and Hour Received. Indicated Weather. Beau) Direction of Wind. Eesult. lit. Force of Wind. Remarks. 3rd, 1 p.m. Bad weather probable any direction between N. and W. and S.W.; glass fall again very soon. Good 5 to 8 Barometer good ; N.W. 5 to 7 in afternoon, and 5 to 8 between 6 and 7 p.m. ; snow fell on the hills on night of 3rd and 4th. 10th. Bad weather probable any direction between N.E. and N. and W. ; glass further fall. Good 5 to 9 Barometer good ; N.W. 5 to 6, all day, with falling glass ; calm next morning, but N.N. W. 5 to 8 at 3 p.m. ; N.W. 5 to 9 on 12th; falling glass. 13th, 3 p.m. Bad weather probable any direction between N.E. and N. and W. ; glass further fall. Good 5 to 6 Barometer good ; N.W. 5 to 6 during the day; rain, lightning to N.W. night of 13th and 14th ; glass fell till a.m. of 14th. 14th, Noon. Bad weather probable any direction between W. and S. and S.E. ; glass rise fast within 12 hours. Good 2 to 3 Glass began to rise 4.30 p.m. on the 14th., rose twenty-two hundredths in 8 hours S.E. 2-3 commenced evening; continued on 15th.

3rd, 1.43 p.m. Bad weather probable, between N. and W. and S.W. ; glass fall soon, and wind backing; indications hard gale Good 6 to 9 Barometer good; hard W.S.W. gale ; glass falling. 4th, 3.35 p.m. Bad weather probable, between W. and S. and S.E. ; glass fall another tenth ; sea increase; glass rise within 24 hours Good 4 to 8 to 8 to 10 4th, S.W. to S. 4-8, rain and hail-squalls ; 5th, S-W. 8-10, rain and hail-squalls considerable; glass rising steadily. 13th, 1.45 p.m. Bad weather probable, between N.15. and N. and W. ; glass further fall; bad indications Good 3 to 4 Barometer good, N.B. to N.W. 3-4 ; morning, 14th, calm; glass falling steadily. 14th, 4.1 p.m. Bad weather probable, between W. and S. and S.H. ; glass further fall; but rise within 24 hours ; expect sea rising Good 4 to 7 p.m. 1 tth, S.W. to S, 4-7 ; morning, 15th, S.S.W. 6-7; glass rising ; sea moderate swell; barometer good. 21st, 1.52 p.m. 4 to 5 K.W. to N.E. 4-5 ; barometer fell 7-10 in 48 hours. Bad weather probable, between N. and W. and S.W. ; glass fall considerably within 24 hours Good

3rd, 1.55 p.m. Bad weather probable any direction between N. and W. and S.W.; glass fall again soon, wind backing ; indications hard gale Bad weather probable any direction between N.E. and KT. and W. Bad weather probable any direction between N. and W. and S.W.; glass fall within 24 hours Bad weather probable any direction between S.E. and E. and N.; glass fall again, soon expect much rain Good S to 9 S.W., S to 9; cloudy; glass fell nearly twotenths, but rose again during the night. 13th, 2.33 p.m. 20th, 2.15 p.m. Good 5 to 6 Strong Northerly winds, 5 to 6; blue sky; glass steady. North-easterly winds ; glass rose about onetenth. Wrong 4 to 5 24th, 2.27 p.m. Good 3 to 4 Moderate N.E. winds ; glass fell about onetenth ; no rain.