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ment ; and that a copy of the same be forwarded to the Executive Commissioner for the International Commission, Sydney, as desired by His Excellency. Resolved, That accounts for the sum of .£475 Bs. sd. be passed for payment. Resolved, That the Executive Commissioner, when in Sydney, adopt whatever form he finds necessary with regard to the special exhibits of wool for the show to be held in December next. Dr. Hector stated that he had made arrangements to leave the colony by the " Wakatipu" on the 31st instant, by which steamer the bulk of exhibits would most probably be forwarded. He also stated that a sum of £3,000 had been placed upon the estimates for the use of the Commission. The Maori house would arrive by the Government steamer " Stella," in time to tranship into the " Wakatipu." Mr. Levin stated that sheep from the Wellington District would not be sent for exhibition, owing to the quarantine regulations. Meeting No. 10.— 28th July, 1879. Dr. Hector in the Chair. Resolved, That the Coal-Pit Heath Company, Greymouth, be allowed an expenditure of a sum not exceeding £25, for the purpose of exhibiting a coal pillar. Resolved, That the Dunedin Committee be allowed an expenditure of a sum of £10, for the purpose of assisting it to procure a geographical map for the Exhibition. Resolved, That the expenses in connection with arranging the New Zealand Court, and of all liabilities appertaining thereto —as sanctioned by the Executive Commissioner in Sydney—shall be allowed by the Commission. Resolved, That Mr. W. H. Levin shall act as Executive Commissioner during Dr. Hector's absence in Sydney; and that Mr. R. B. Gore shall act as secretary, during the Secretary's absence in Sydney. Resolved, That accounts, amounting to £178 ss. 9d., be passed for payment.

APPENDIX D. Abstract of Secretarial Work at Wellington, Ist July, 1879, to 31st March, 1880. Letters and telegrams received, 334; letters and telegrams despatched, 282; copies of Handbook distributed, 500; copies of Catalogue distributed, 500.

APPENDIX E. New Zealand List of Prizes and Awards at Wool Show. Opened 23rd December, 1879. [Number of Exhibits from. New Zealand, 32.] Division G. — Wool in Grease from any Variety of Sheep other than Merino. — (First prize. Bronze Medal; second prize, Certificate.) Sub-class 26. Six ram-hoggets' fleeces, unskirted. Catalogue No. 214. Commended: D. McNicol, Auckland. Sub-class 27. Six ewes' fleeces, unskirted. Cat. No. 219. First Prize: James Wallace, Auckland. Sub-class 28. Six ewe-hoggets' fleeces, unskirted. Cat. No. 222. First Prize : Charles Reed, New Zealand. Division G.-^Supplementary Competitive Exhibits. Wool in Grease, other Breeds. Sub-class 25. Six rams' fleeces, unskirted. Cat. No. 405. Highly commended: W. H. Watt, New Zealand. —Cat. No. 406. Highly commended: Baker and Allison, New Zealand. Sub-class 26. Six ram-hoggets' fleeces, unskirted. Cat. No. 407. Highly commended : W. H. Watt, New Zealand. Cat. No. 408. —-Highly commended: Owen and Lethbridge, New Zealand. Sub-class 27. Six ewes' fleeces, unskirted. Cat. No. 410. Highly commended: W. H. Watt, New Zealand. Sub-class 28. Six ewe-hoggets' fleeces, unskirted. Cat. No. 411. Commended: C. W. Tancred, New Zealand.—Cat. No. 412. Commended: W. H. Watt, New Zealand. Division H. — Wool, washed. Other Breeds. Sub-class 29. S;x rams' fleeces, unskirted. Cat. No. 413. Highly commended: W. H. Watt, New Zealand. Sub-class 30. Six ram-hoggets' fleeces, unskirted. Cat. No. 414. Highly commended: W. H. Wat?, New Zealand. Sub-class 31. Six ewes' fleeces, unskirted. Cat. No. 415. Highly commended: W. H. Watt, New Zealand. Sub-class 32. Six ewe-hoggets' fleeces, unskirted. Cat. No. 416. Highly commended; W. H. Watt, New Zealand.

APPENDIX F. List of Awards to New Zealand, received at Wellington up to Date of Report (31st March, 1880). Classes 600 to 603. McDonald and Miller. Cat, No. 936. Bacon. Pair quality and best exhibit in its class. First award.