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resolution of the Legislative Council on the motion of the Hon. Sir E. Dillon Bell, furnishes information respecting the area, the capital value, and the present rental of the two classes of reserves, according to the apportionment made by the arbitrators in each of the provincial districts. The following is a summary of the information furnished by the return : —

TABLE M.—Apportionment of Education Reserves Under "The Education Reserves Act, 1877." (Compiled from Parliamentary Paper C.-3, Sess. II., 1879.)

An examination of the preceding table shows that, as regards area, capital value, and present annual rental, the proportion of 3 to 1 as between the primary and the secondary reserves has been approximately maintained in the districts of Auckland, Hawke's Bay, Nelson, Canterbury, and Otago, and that in the other four districts the proportions differ to a greater or less extent. The present annual value of the Wellington and the Marlborough secondary reserves is strikingly small as compared Avith that of the primary reserves in the same districts. In the Westland District, on the other hand, the area and the estimated capital value of the two classes of reserves are somewhat near the proportion specified by the Act, but the Parliamentary return shows that the present annual value of the Westland primary reserves is only £75, and that of the secondary reserves £625, or as Ito BJ. As regards each of the three heads above referred to, the proportion betAveen the tAVO classes of reserves for all the provincial districts taken together is tolerably near that of 3 to 1. The Native Schools. Although the administration of the Native schools was formally transferred from the Native Department to the Education Department in July, 1879, yet several months elapsed before practical effect could be fully given to the decision of the Government. With a view to their becoming more fully acquainted, from personal observation, Avith the condition and requirements of the schools and with the circumstances of the Native population, the Secretary to the Department and the Inspector-General of Schools were directed to visit as many as possible of the Native districts in which schools had been established. The Secretary Avas occupied in this duty for a period of two months, in the course of which he visited a number of the Native settlements and schools in the Auckland Provincial District, including Bay of Islands, Hokianga, Mongonui, Whangaroa, and Tauranga. The Inspector-General was engaged for nearly an equal period in visiting the Native settlements and schools on the sea-board from Hawke's Bay to Tauranga, and in the inspection of some of the schools in the South Island. It soon became evident that anything like a satisfactory degree of efficiency and success in the administration of the Native schools could only be secured by the appointment of a highly competent organizing inspector, who should devote the whole of his time and attention to the supervision and direction of the teachers, and the inspection and organization of the schools. The services of a schoolmaster of considerable skill and experience were accordingly obtained, and he entered on his duties in the month of January last. The folloAving extract from a memorandum

Prii rary Education Reserves. Secondary Education Reserves. Peovikcial Districts. Tola! Area. Estimated Capital Present Annual Value. Rental (1879). Total Area. Estimated Capital Present Annual Value. ■ Rental (1879). Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay ... Marlborough ... Nelson ■Canterbury Westland Otago Ji. 11. P. 31,598 3 21 4,927 0 39 13.512 1 15 32,245 1 17 785 3 26 5,475 3 17 45,298 0 0 14,543 0 39 351,327 0 37 £ s. d. 39,394 5 0 1(3,755 19 9 15,103 0 0 32,938 5 0 4,509 0 0 10,385 10 0 193,245 0 0 19,237 0 0 641,264 10 0 £ s. d. 1,412 8 1 662 8 6 441 9 4 716 13 6 137 9 6 532 8 4 6,428 18 8 75 0 0 7,694 13 10 A. E. P. 10,376 2 17 2,756 1 23 11,161 2 0 10,695 3 16 264 3 22 1,888 0 6 16,587 0 0 4,339 2 28 120,760 1 2 £ s. d. 12,189 15 0 6,985 14 2 5,580 0 0 11,697 0 0 950 0 0 3,425 10 0 58,468 0 0 7,051 0 0 211,121 10 0 £ s. d. 492 6 2 266 7 4 18 0 0 276 11 6 10 3 6 177 5 5 2,146 0 2 625 0 0 2,738 11 4 Totals 499,714 0 11 972,832 9 9 18,101 9 9 178,930 0 34 317,468 9 8 6,750 5 5