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TABLE E. —Summary of Boards' Income.

In the corresponding summary on page 8 of last year's report the bank interest on current accounts was placed under local receipts; and the grants for public libraries were excluded, as not properly belonging to the public-school fund, having been merely intrusted to Boards for distribution under " The Public Libraries Subsidies Act, 1877." Eor the purposes of account and audit it has now been found necessary to include the public libraries grants among the Boards' transactions. Line 7of the summary shows the net income of the Boards on account of the public schools. The other particulars are given to show agreement with the totals of the Boards' general statements of accounts. The amount of the ordinary grants from the colonial revenue for 1879 is shown to have been only £1,206 18s. in excess of that for the previous year, notwithstanding the large increase in the average daily attendance which had taken place. This was owing to two different causes: (1.) The receipts by Education Boards from the education reserves in the year 1879 were £12,468 more than those for the previous year, and consequently the demands upon the consolidated revenue were lessened by that amount. The very large apparent increase in the revenue derived from the reserves for last year is accounted for in this report under the head " Education Reserves." (2.) Under the regulations made by Order in Council, the capitation grants to Boards for each period of three months are now made upon the actually ascertained average daily-attendances of the quarter immediately preceding. The payments for the school year 1879 were therefore based, not upon the actual average attendance for the same period, but upon that for the four quarters beginning Ist October, 1878. But the last quarter of 1878 showed 8,099 fewer average attendances than the corresponding quarter of 1879, and consequently the aA rerage attendances upon which the grants for 1879 were calculated were fully 2,000 less than the actual number of attendances for the year itself. The sum of £175,000 was voted specially for school-buildings by the General Assembly in 1879, but the whole of the amount had not been paid to Boards at the close of the year. Nearly the whole of the balance has since been paid. The following is a summary of the chief heads of expenditure by Boards for the years 1879, 1878, and 1877 :—

TABLE E.—Summary of Boards' Expenditure.

Principal Heads. Year 1879. Year 1878. Year 1877. 1. Balances on 1st January 2. Parliamentary grants—Maintenance 3. ,, ,, Buildings 4. Education reserves 5. Local receipts—Arrears of rates, school fees, &c. 6. Interest on current accounts £ s. d. 62,034 7 1 217,873 2 0 150,581 4 7 21,330 7 1 5,739 7 4 3,048 17 2 £ a. d. 27,417 3 11 216,666 4 0 101,257 2 11 8,862 3 9 10,650 16 1 £ s. d 43,569 4 7 ] 204,205 3 4 16,604 4 3 45,944 9 4 7. Net income for year for public schools 8. Add—Public libraries for 1879 9. Auckland and Otago High Schools for 1877 .0. Overdrafts on 31st December 460,610 5 3 5,750 4 3 364,853 10 8 301,323 1 6 9,025 7 5 3,419 12 4 838 5 1 3,432 5 4 .1. Totals, agreeing with Boards' general statements") for the three years respectively J 467,198 14 7 368,285 16 0 322,768 1 3

Principal Heads. Year 1879. Year 1878. Year 1877. £ s. d. 1. Liabilities on 1st January ... ... .,,. 3,432 5 4 2. Expenses of management by Boards ... ... j 11,109 8 10 3. Cost of inspection and examinations ... ... 7,735 4 0 4. Maintenance —Teachers' salaries and allowances, grants to) „„, „-„ . „ committees, scholarships, training, insurance, &c. j j ' 5. School-buildings ... ... ... ... I 172,867 14 3 6. liefunds and sundry extraordinary payments ... ... 1,651 11 0 £ s. d. 4,065 14 11 10,225 12 2 6,142 14 5 £ s. d. 11,036 18 2 10,484 14 10 5,606 19 7 191,499 15 5 173,726 9 7 90,491 17 9 4,254 2 1 82,322 7 10 3,610 8 4 7. Total expenditure on public schools ... ... 417,849 7 5 8. Add—Public libraries for 1879 ... ...» 6,074 0 7 9. Otago and Auckland High Schools for 1877 ... i .0. Balances in hand, 31st December ... ... ' 43,275 6 7 306,679 16 9 286,787 18 ■ 11,166 2 i 24,814 0 i: 61,605 19 3 .1. Totals, agreeing with Boards'general statements.., 467,198 14 7 368,285 16 0 322,768 1