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It is not necessary that I should repeat the arguments that have been used so often against a course of action such as that now proposed. Those arguments are well known, and have been held to be conclusive. I do not think it can be for the interest of any of the Australasian Colonies that prisoners should —even with the concurrence of the Governments of the possessions concerned—be moved about as this Bill proposes to allow the Secretary of State to move them. 10th December, 1878. Robert Stout.

No. 18. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby to the Right Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach. (No. 2.) Government House, Wellington, Sir, — New Zealand, 30th January, 1879. In reply to your circular of 16th October, 1878, asking for information relative to the monetary legislation now in force in this colony, I have the honor to enclose copy of memorandum on the subject, which I have received from my Government. The only currency in existence in New Zealand are English coins, and banknotes payable on demand, issued by the various banks under the provisions of their charter. I have, &c, The Right Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach. NORMANBY.

Enclosure in No. 18. Memorandum for His Excellency. Ministers have the honor to forward to His Excellency copy of a memorandum by the SolicitorGeneral, from which it will be seen that New Zealand cannot furnish documentary or other information relative to monetary legislation, such as the French Minister of Finance has requested Her Majesty's Government to obtain. J. Ballance, Wellington, 3rd January, 1879. (in the absence of the Premier.)

No. 19. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby to the Right Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach. (No. 3.) Government House, Wellington, Sir, — New Zealand, 31st January, 1879. I have the honor to inform you that I have received from Sir George Grey the copy of a letter which ho states he has forwarded to you direct. This letter is a reply to your Despatch No. 45, of 26th September, 1878, on the subject of South Africa; and I should of course have forwarded to you a copy of the letter had it not been that Sir George Grey has not only made no request that I should do so, but has also distinctly objected, in the letter which he has addressed to you, to forward the communication through the Governor of the colony, as directed in your Despatch No. 45. Under these circumstances, I think it only necessary that I should inform you that a copy of these letters, dated Wellington, 17th January, 1879, has been received by me. I have, &c, The Right Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach. NORMANBY.

Enclosure in No. 19. Sir George Grey to His Excellency the Governor. My Lord, — Government Offices, Wellington, 17th January, 1879. I have the honor to transmit, for your Excellency's information, copy of a letter I have this day addressed to the Right Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach, Bart. I have, &c, His Excellency the Governor. G. Grey.