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No. 29. The Temporary Powers Act enables the Governor in Council, until the next session of Parliament, to frame regulations in supplement of certain Acts mentioned in the Schedule for the more effectual administration of such Acts in their practical parts. No. 30. The Disqualification Act, repealing former Acts, defines moi-e clearly such engagements and offices as would render the holders thereof incapable of sitting in either House of the General Assembly. No. 31. The Sheep Act is a consolidating Act, providing a uniform administration for the eradication of scab in sheep. No. 32. The Native Licensing Act is to provide a more effectual means of checking illicit sale of spirits to Natives, and enables Natives in their own districts to introduce a total prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquors therein. No. 33. The Public Reserves Sale Act authorizes the disposal, in manner prescribed, of certain public reserves no longer required for the purposes for which they were set apart. No. 31. The Public Reserves Act Amendment Act provides a classification of all reserves heretofore made, and prescribes more definitely the mode in which such reserves may respectively be dealt with; prohibits any dealings with reserves made for Native purposes except by special Act. No. 35. The Harbours Act is a general measure for the constitution of Harbour Boards and the management of harbours, the construction of harbour works, the control of the harbour lights, pilotage, &c. Where there is no Harbour Board the Governor exercises the functions. It is also provided that the Act shall in no way affect " The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877." No. 36. The District Laiu Societies Act empowers the legal practitioners within any judicial district to form themselves into a district law society, in the same manner as the practitioners of the colony are incorporated as the New Zealand Law Society, with similar powers and functions. No. 37. The Waikato Crown Lands Sale Act authorizes the sale of certain Crown lands for the providing of a fund in support of the higher education of the Natives. No. 38. The Municipal Corporations Act Amendment Act is an amendment of the original Act in certain particulars for the better administration thereof, and provides additional enactments for the same purpose. No. 39. The Rating Act Amendment Act is for the purpose of rendering the provisions of the original Act more applicable in newly-formed districts, and in districts where a different mode of rating had previously been in force. No. 40. The Native Land Act Amendment Act (No. 2) is for the modification of the procedure in the Native Land Court in certain matters, and for the better protection of Native lands ; prohibits all mortgages of land by Natives; provides that lessees may pay rents to credit of Native lessors in certain cases; and makes further provision for the administration of the property of Native minors. No. 41. The Government Native Land Purchases Act Amendment Act provides that, where the Queen has entered into negotiations with the Natives for land, and the same is proclaimed, Her Majesty, as against all persons except the aboriginal owners of the land, shall have the powers of an owner for prevention of and prosecution for trespass. No. 42. The Special Poivers and Contracts Act authorizes the issue of grants of land to certain Natives, in fulfilment of promises made to them. No. 43. The Fisheries (Dynamite) Act is a transcript of the Imperial Act for the prohibition of the use of explosive substances in fisheries. No. 44. The Seals Fisheries Protection Act is for the purpose of preventing the wanton destruction and possible extermination of seals, enabling the Governor to open and close the hunting season in different parts as may seem necessary. No. 45. The Public Works Act 1876 Amendment Act provides additional machinery for the more effective administration of the original Act. No. 46. The Railways Construction Act prescribes conditions under which certain railways enumerated in the Act may be contracted for and constructed. No. 47. The Financial Arrangements Act makes provision for the support of hospitals and charitable institutions, and otherwise directs the application of moneys in execution of certain public works. No. 48. The Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act appropriates, out of the ways and means enumerated, the sum of £2,910,921 3s. 7d. for construction of public works and immigration for the year ending 30th June, 1879. No. 49. The Appropriation Act —the annual Appropriation Act. Amounts appropriated : Total, £2,364,608 15s. Bd. Reserved Bill. No. 50. The Administration Act repeals " The Real Estate Descent Act, 1874," and makes other provisions respecting the administration of the estates of deceased persons. [This Bill is reserved for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure thereon, for reasons stated in a separate memorandum relating to the measure.]