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1880. N E W Z E ALAN I).


Return to an Order of the Souse of Bepresentatives, dated VWi Jane, 1880. "That a return be laid upon the table of this House showing how the sum of £50,000 voted last session for roads and works in the North Island has been expended, such return to name each county and the Road Boards to which money has been paid." — (Mr. Hamlin.) Expenditure out of £50,000 voted for Roads, Bridges, and Wharves, North Island (Vote 92, Item 6, of Immigration and Public Works Appropriation for 1879), distinguishing Sums paid to Counties and Road Boards, together with the Liabilities incurred under the same Vote, to 31st March, 1880.


County in which Expenditure has been made. To Whom Paid. Eoads, &c. Amount Paid. tfanukau Fauranga Labourers' wages, &c. ... Pokeno Highway Board Labourers' wages, &c. ... Abbott and White and others Labourers' wages, &c. ... ,, Wairoa County Labourers' wages Gc. Boss ... : Hunuia Road ... Pokeno to Firth of Thames ... : Pukekohe-Bombay Eoad ... Pukekohe-Waiuku Road ... Tauranga-Katikati Road ... ... i Tauranga-Taupo Road ... i Cambridge-Taupo Road Otara Cart Bridge Whakataue-Te Teko Road... Patutahi drainage Wairoa-Waikaremoana Road ... N"apier-Taupo Road ... | Tollkeeper, Q-orge Bridge ... £ s. a. 325 17 10 253 0 0 215 14 6 101 16 3 60 4 6 128 2 0 14 14 0 2,829 12 6 35 0 0 12 4 6 100 0 0 218 10 8 107 11 8 }ook iVairoa lawke's Bay tianawatu Total Expenditure 4,402 8 5

County in which Expenditure will be made. To Whom to be Paid. Boads, &e. Liability. longonui Vhangarei todney !oromandel lanutau Mongonui County David Miller ... Mangawai Highway Board Labourers' wages, &c. ... Coromandel County Labourers' wages, &e. ... Compensation to Mr. Hazard for land Mangapai Wharf approaches Mangawai Wharf Waiwera—Hot Springs Road Coromandel-Thames Boad... Mercury Bay-Tairua Boad Pukekohe-Wniuku Eoad ... Pukekohe-Bombay Road ... District Engineers' travelling expenses ... Bridge over Waipa at Te Rori Hamilton Station Eoad, Extension of WaipaEaglan Extension of Waipa-Raglan Eoad to Newcastle Cambridge, Rotorua, and. Taupo Road £ s. d. 15 0 0 315 0 0 600 0 0 228 9 8 500 0 0 500 0 0 83 8 0 12 13 6 87 15 0 2,800 0 O 600 0 0 Vaipa ,, ... James Stewart J. J. O'Brien and others Hamilton District Board 'iako and TauNewcastle District Board Labourers' wages, &c. ... 1,200 O 0 4,035 6 0 ranga Carried forward 10,977 12 2