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Uo explanation, and I need not repeat, what has been said before, that, if the suggestions thrown out by the Commissioners in paragraph 215 are not considered practicable, it is very desirable that the colonies should suggest some alternative course by which the failure experienced in working the Eoreign Eeprints Act, and the consequent injustice to proprietors of copyright, can be avoided. 16. The remainder of clause 40 provides for licenses to publish copies (subsection 1) and for the introduction of foreign reprints (subsection 6), after the expiration of some reasonable period to be fixed by the colonial law. With respect to licenses further reference may be made to clauses 46-18 inclusive. 17. The case of the smaller colonies is provided for, in accordance with paragraph 211 of the report, by clause 41, by which the immediate importation of foreign reprints of a book is allowed in certain cases ; and here again I may point out that some really effectual provision will have to be made under subsection b, for securing the percentage to the proprietor of the copyright: upon this part of the case I would refer you to clause 49. 18. I have now briefly referred to the leading features of the report and Bill so far as they affect the colonies, and I shall be obliged by any observations and suggestions which you or your Government may have to offer, especially as to the best mode of securing the payments due to proprietors of copyright. 19. It is desirable that I should receive your reply as soon as possible, so that full consideration may be given to it when the Bill is being finally prepared this autumn for re-introduction next session. I have, &c, M. e. hicks beach. The Oflicer Administering tbe Government of New Zealand.

No. 70. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Eight Hon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach to the Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand. (Circular.) Sir, —■ Downing Street, 16th September, 1879. I have the honor to transmit to you a copy of an Order of the House of Commons, for a return relative to banks in the colonies, and the authorities under which they carry on business ; and I have to request that you will furnish me at your earliest convenience with the desired information for presentation to Parliament. The subject to which this return relates is an interesting one, and probably further information beyond that comprised in the terms of the motion would prove valuable : I have therefore to request that you will at the same time be good enough to transmit to me, in a separate return, the detailed information indicated in the accompanying copy of a letter from the Board of Treasury respecting any banking institutions in the colony under your government. I have, &c., M. E. HICKS BEACH. The Oflicer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

Enclosure 1 in No. 70. House of Commons, Tuesday, 20th May, 1879. Resolved, That an humble address be presented to Her Majesty that she will be graciously pleased to give directions that there be laid before this House a return giving a list of all banks carrying on business in India and in each British possession : Statements of all authorities, Imperial or local, whether charter, statute, or other instrument, under which each bank carries on business : And of all general laws, Imperial or local, regulating the conduct of banking in India and each British possession.