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Enclosure in No. 45. The Admiralty to the Colonial Office. Sir,— Admiralty, 31st March, 1879. With reference to your letter of the 21st instant, I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to acquaint you, for the information of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, that, in view of the standard of qualification for the entry of naval and colonial cadets having been raised, they consider that the revised regulations should be issued to the Governors of colonies; and I am to forward herewith 250 copies for transmission accordingly. 1 am, &c, The Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies. Robert Hall.

Snb-Enclosure to Enclosure in No. 45. Regulations respecting Naval Cadets. (For the Information of Candidates.) 1. Nominations for naval cadetships will take place half-yearly, immediately after the report of the last examination has been received. 2. An examination of the young gentlemen who have obtained nominations will be held at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, under the direction of the Admiralty Examiners, on the third Wednesday in June and the last Wednesday in November iu each year; but the appointments will date from the 15th July and January following respectively. 3. No candidate will be eligible for examination in June whose age will not be within the following limits on the 15th July following—viz., not less than twelve nor more than thirteen and a half years of age—nor in November whose age will not be within those limits on the 15th January following. 4. Every candidate will be required to pass the medical examination according to the prescribed regulations, and must have been found physically fit for the Royal Navy. He must be in good health and free from any physical defect of body, impediment of speech, defect of sight or hearing, and also from any predisposition to constitutional or hereditary disease or weakness of any kind, and in all respects well-developed and active in proportion to his age. Any candidate rejected at the medical examination will, subject to the approval of the Board, be finally excluded from the Royal Navy. 5. The candidate will be required to produce—(l) a certificate of birth,* or declaration thereof made before a magistrate; (2) a certificate of good conduct from the masters of the school or schools at which he may have been educated during the two previous years, or, if educated at home, from his tutors or the clergyman of the parish in which he resides; and (3) a certificate of good health. 6. The candidates will be required— Marks assigned. (a.) To write English correctly from dictation in a legible hand .. 100 (b.) To read from a modern English author with intelligence, and to parse easy sentences .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 100 (c.) Arithmetic, as far as proportion and vulgar and decimal fractions .. 200 (d.) Elementary algebra, up to easy fractions and simple equations, with one unknown quantity.. .. .. . . .. .. 200 (e.) Elementary geometry—viz., definitions, axioms, postulates, and demonstrations of the first twelve propositions of the First Book of Euclid's Elements 200 (/.) Latin : To read, translate, and parse passages from Latin authors into English, and to translate easy sentences from English into Latin 200 (g.) Read, translate, and parse easy passages from French „. .. 100 (h.) Scripture history .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 1,200 Four-tenths of the marks assigned must be obtained in each subject, and 720 marks in the aggregate. 7. A candidate whose age does not exceed thirteen on the 15th July or 15th January (as the case may be), who may not be successful, will be allowed to present himself again at the next examination without undergoing a fresh medical examination; but no candidate will be allowed more than two trials. Candidates whose age exceeds thirteen on the 15th July or 15th January following the examination will not be allowed a second trial. 8. Any candidate who fails to appear at the examination after he has obtained a nomination will not be allowed to present himself at any future examination without a fresh nomination,

# A certificate of baptism will not be accepted^