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The evidence of the following witnesses was taken: Messrs. W. Lightfoot, J. Eibet, ActonAdams, 6. Lloyd, W. I\ Fogden, E. Orr, Thomas Mackay (Deputy Commissioner of Land-Tax), W. Stone (General Manager, Nelson and Foxhill Eailway),and J. G. Blackett (Resident Engineer, Nelson and Marlborough).

Tuesday, 11th Mat, 1880. The Commission met at Blenheim. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Mr. Beitf, and Mr. Wright. The Commission received a deputation consisting of. Captain Kenny, M.H.It., Messrs. A. P. Seymour, M.H.E., A. G. Fell, C. Goulter, .T. Ward, and J. E. Hodson, who urged the desirability of constructing a railway from Blenheim to Awatere. The evidence of the following witnesses was taken: Messrs. H. Gr. Clark (Commissioner of Crown Lands), A. Ward, A. G. Fell, C. Goulter, J. Ward, J. E. Hodsou, A. P. Seymour, H. C. Seymour (Traffic Manager, Blenheim Eailway).

Monday, 17th Mat, 1880. The Commission met at Normanby. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce, and Mr. Wright. The Commission received a deputation consisting of Messrs. C. H. Beresford, C. E. Gibson, D. McGregor, F. H. Brett, Johnston, and G-. V. Bate, who made representations as to the choice of a railway-station site. The evidence of the following witnesses was taken: Messrs. C. E. Gibson; I\ H. Brett, G. V. Bate, and. C. Quinn.

Tuesday, 18th Mat, 1880. The Commission met at New Plymouth. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce, and Mr. Wright. The evidence of the following witnesses was taken : Messrs. R. W. Holmes (Resident Engineer), J. D. Harris (Traffic Manager), and Mr. T. Humphries (Chief Surveyor). The Commission received a deputation consisting of Colonel Trimble, M.11U., Messrs. J. Caverhill, W. D. Webster, and W. K. Hulke, who made representations with respect to railway management, and the extension qi: the railway to Hawera.

Thtjesdat, 20th Mix, 1380. The Commission met at Auckland. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce, and Mr. Wright. The Commission received a deputation from the Auckland Harbour Board, consisting of Captain D. H. McKenzie (Chairman) and Captain W. C. Daldy, who urged that the harbour reclamation works should be finished. The evidence of the following witnesses was taken : Captain D. 11. McKenzie and Captain Daldy. The Commission received a deputation consisting of Mr. J. W. Eobinson (Mayor of Parnell) and Mr. 8. Beynolds (Town Clerk), who urged that a passenger station or platform should be erected in the Borough of Parnell. The evidence of Mr. J. "W. Eobinson was taken.

Saturday, 22nd Max, 18SG. The Commission met at "Waiuku. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce, and Mr. "Wright. The Commission received a deputation consisting of Major B. Harris, M.H.K., Major I). H. Lusk, Messrs. E. Hamlin, M.H.E., J. "Wallace, E. Bent, W. Harris, E. Constable, H. Crispe, C. Hoskins, J. Mellsopp, and Gr. Selby, who urged the desirability of constructing a branch railway from Pukekohe to Waiuku. The evidence of the following witnesses was taken : Major D. H. Lusk, Messrs. Hamlin and Crispe. '

Monday, 24th Max, 1880. The Commission met at Hamilton. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce, and Mr. Wright. The Commission received a deputation consisting of Dr. Beale (Mayor), Messrs. J. B. Whyto,, JP. A. Whitaker, M.H. 11., Vialou, McG-arrigle, and Breakell, who urged the desirability of proceeding with the Hamilton-Te Aroha Railway and the Cambridge Branch Railway. The evidence of the following witnesses was taken : Messrs. J. R. Vialou and W. C. Breakell, C.E.

Tuesdat, 25th Mat, 1880. The Commission met at Cambridge. Present : The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark,,Colonel Pearce, and Mr. Wright. The Commission received a deputation consisting of Messrs. R. 11. D. Fergusson, I. Sheehan, M.H.R., F. A. Whitaker, M.H.E., J. B. "Whyte, M.H.K., J. liunciman, W. Leslie, B. B. Walker, W. iv—E. 3.