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Sess. 11.—1879. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. The Agent-Geneeal to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey. Sib, — 7, Westminster Chambers, London, S.W., 9th April, 1879. It has occurred to me to forward you a copy of notices of various mineral waters. They are trade notices, and of course do not err on the side of undervaluing the products to which they refer. But they seem to me singularly interesting to New Zealand, suggesting as they do that similar notices might bring to the knowledge of persons requiring their use the varied nature of the mineral waters to be found iv the colony. It would, I think, be very desirable to have an examination made by competent scientific persons of the composition of the waters of New Zealand, and a further report by eminent medical men on the purposes to which the several waters can be best devoted. The different places in Europe whence the mineral waters possessing curative properties are found are the resort of an immense number of people. But the use of the waters is not limited to those who can find it convenient to visit the native springs : large quantities of the waters and of their evaporated and manufactured products are exported to all parts of Europe and the United Kingdom for the benefit of invalids and for the profit of the exporters. If the New Zealand waters are as valuable as I believe them to be, not only will a great number of persons visit the colony to partake of them, but the waters and their products may be exported in great quantities and at considerable profit. I shall be glad to do what I can to bring these waters and their products under the notice of eminent medical men in this country if you enable and wish me to do so. I have, &c, Julius Vogel, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Agent-General.

No. 2. The Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey to Dr. Hectoe. Sib, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, Ist August, 1879. I am directed by the Colonial Secretary to enclose copy of a letter which has been received from the Agent-General with reference to the mineral waters of this colony, and to state that the Government would feel much obliged by your furnishing such information as you may deem likely to bear upon the subject, which they regard as being one of much importance. I have, &c, Dr. Hector, F.R.S., C.M.G., Wellington. G. S. Cqopee.

No. 3. The Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey to Professor Black. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, Ist August, 1879. I am directed by the Colonial Secretary to enclose copy of a letter which has been received from the A gent-General on the subject of the mineral waters of this colony, and to state that he would feel much obliged by your furnishing such information as you may deem likely to bear upon the subject, which the Government consider is of much importance. 1 have, &c, Professor Black, Dunedin. G. S. Cooper. I—H. 13.