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Return of "Wrecks ou which Inquiries have been held, &c. — continued. hi A, n Numl ier of Wind. Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel; also, Age and Class. RigNature of Cargo. Mature of Casualty. Number of Lives Lost. Place where Casualty happened. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master., Crew. Passengers. Direction. Force. Jan. 5 Arthur Wakefield, 5 years Schooner 45 G eneral Stranded; partial loss 1 ! Close to Signal Station, entrance to Wanganni River About 2 miles S. of Buller River On beach at Horowhenua, near Otakl 15 miles due W. from Stephens' Island On Peak Rock, at 1 entrance to Tory Channel ] Timutu, Ninety-Mile Beach, 15 miles from Banks' Peninsula Near Stoney Point, Tauranga E.S.E. FaiiTaking bar wilh insufficient water, having been signalled to do so William Andrews. » 11 Lizzie Guy, 8 yearB Forest Queen, Gi years Mary Bannatyne, 8 years Rose of Eden, 11 years Brigantine 85 7 Chaff and bran Railway plant Timber Stranded ; partial loss Stranded ; partial loss Loss of life W.N.W. Fresh gale Vessel driven ashore by force of gale James Stevens. „ 14 Schooner 51 4 W.N.W. Whole gale Towline parted in a heavy gale Charles Watehlin. „ 15 Brigantine 116 7 19 E.S.E. Gentle breeze Man fell overboard William Smith. „ 26 Schooner 30 3 Ballast Stranded ; total loss N.W. Moderate breeze Struck on Peak Rock through wind failing, and afterwards sank John Botham. Feb. 2 Clyde, 4 years 103 7 Stranded; total loss Calm Strong northerly set of current, and wind failing John Bishop. „ 18 Taupo, 8.S., 3J years 461 3.1 80 General, and coals Stranded ; total loss Variable Light Accident was owing to negligent navigation on the part of the master of the " Taupo." Certificate suspended for three months, and ordered to pay costs Mate lost overboard ... William Cromarty. „ 25 1'atea, s.s., 1 month Geelong, p.s., 24 years Schooner Loss of life 1 2 Twenty miles from Kapiti Inside inner bank of Wliangape Heads W. Strong William John Gibbons Edward Keane. 51 11 Mar. 10 H 108 7 6 Ballast Stranded; total loss S.S.E. Light breeze Heavy sea struck vessel when close to the bank, and caused her to refuse to obey the helm Vessel having sprung a leak, and pumps having got choked, she had to be run ashore to save life Master committed error in judgment in h&uling-up too soon after passing the North Beef Boat swamped ; one man drowned „ 20 Cynthia, 7 years )» 5G ), Stranded; total loss ! Donoghue's Creek, two miles south of Koss, Westland On the North Reef, Caj)e Campbell S.W. Strong breeze Thomas Swede. „ 20 Unity, G years Ketch 44 4 1 Flour and grain Stranded; total loss s.s.w. Strong gale William ThompSchooner 156 15 15 son. „ 20 Glenelg, s.e., 6 months ( Iona, s.s., j 4 years j Linda Weber, (. li years Ware Queen, 18 Tears Herald, 12 years Start, 6 years Ruby, 19 years General Loss of life 1 Two miles south of Cape Keinga Off Railway Pier, Auckland Harbour ... William Rodick. „ 22 j, 159 15 30 Kauri gum Collision ; slight damage S.E. Light " Linda Weber" not having proper light burning, and keeping no watch William Farqubar. John McKenzie. Brigantine 114 7 Grain „ 30 Barque 853 General Loss of life 11 J Lat. 44° 37' S., long. 152° 54' E. OiF Wellington Head S.W. Heavy gale Mate jumped overboard and was drowued George Perriam. April 10 Schooner 53 4 Wood j) N.E. Fresh breeze One of crew fell overboard when shaking out reef of mainsail Sea put vessel on bank Donald McKay. „ 13 Cutler 27 3 3 Timber Stranded; partial loss Stranded; total loss j South Banks, entrance I to Ngunguru River Walker Rock, ofl 1 Jackson's Head N. Moderate Kenneth McDonald. Charles Frederick Backstrom. „ 23 Schooner 25 3 3 Bricks S.E. Light Wind fell light, and strong flood tide set vessel on to rocks