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Your memorialists confidently claim from the Government a fair and impartial consideration of tho whole matter, with a view to satisfying the just requirements of the public of Otago. E. B. Cargill. E. Glendining. P. Hayman and Co. ('co. Turnbull. John Davie. B. Strachan. Walter Guthrie. Alex. C. Begg. E. A. Law. G. C. Matheson. Wm. Thomson. Chas. Neill. E. Wilson. Charles Moore. Eobert G. Murray. Jas. T. Mackerrae. Eobert McKenzie. Montagu Pym. James A. Walcott. G. Lewis. Max Mendershausen. John Eoberts. A. Lee Smith. John Sheen. Jas. Marshall. L. O. Beal. Hugh Kirkpatrick. Banks, Symond, aud Co. Wm. C. Eoberts. Eobert Saunders. George Joachim. Eobert Stout. Ealph Ewing. John O. Eva. A. Bathgate. Thos. Brown. W. G. Neill. John Hislop. Hugh McNeill. Sargood, Sons, and Ewen. T. G. Young. Keith Eamsay. Horace Bastings. John Mitchell. William Scoular. George Fenwick. Allan Holmes. J. B. Mudie. G. G. Eussell. W. M. Hodskins. Geo. L. Sise. A. S. Paterson. M. W. Hawkins. Edwin J. Spence. J. Eattray. James Wilkie. Eobert Gillies. Wm. Parker Street. J. E. Strang. J. T. Eitchie. James Mills. A. H. Eoss. John H. Morrison. Andrew Maxwell. Grant P. Parquhar. H. J. Mac Lean. George Blyth. J. G. Fraser. Jas. Macassey. W. Stavely. Robert Paterson. E. H. Leary. H. Walden. Wm. Gregg. J. Hyde Harris. M. Santhorp Nab. Mills Brothers. F. L. Clarke. J. Cargill. B. Hallenstein. W. Irvine. E. P. Kenyon. Jas. Whitelaw. Thos M. Wilkinson. D. M. Glendining. A. McFarlane. Edwd. Day. John Edmond. North and Scoular. J. S. Webb.

No. 2. The President, Canterbury Chamber of Commerce, to the Hon. tho Minister for Public Works. (Telegram.) Christchurch, 28th July, 1879. In reference to the memorial of Dunedin Chamber of Commerce, suggesting the removal of the present Commissioner of Eailways from Christchurch to Dunedin, the Committee of the Canterbury Chamber of Commerce respectfully submit that experience has fully justified the wisdom of the settlement of the Commissioner's Office at Christchurch. They feel sure you will give full consideration to the matter, and decide what is best for the interests of the community and the convenience of the Eailways Department generally. C. W. Turner, President, Canterbury Chamber of Commerce. The Hon. the Minister for Public Works, Wellington.

No. 3. The Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Dunedin, to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Snj,— Chamber of Commerce, Dunedin, Bth August, 1579. I have now the honor, by direction of the Committee, to transmit a further copy of the petition of members of this Chamber, asking the Government to establish at Dunedin the head-quarters of the Commissioner of Railways for this Island. The signatures to this copy are those of members who were unable to append them to the former copy before it was sent forward. The Committee are sensible that at tho present moment this matter cannot receive attention at your hands. They earnestly request, however, that you will, during the approaching recess, give consideration to the request embodied in the memorial, and especially to the great necessity that exists for the personal superintendence by the Commissioner of the urgently-needed enlargement and improvement of station accommodation at Dunedin and Port Chalmers. This adds a pressing immediate necessity to the arguments which have been already laid before you in favour of the desired change. , The Committee will be glad, in the event of your being in Dunedin at an early date, if you will give an audience to a deputation from the Chamber on the subject. I have, &c., J. S. Webb, The Hon. J. Macandrew, Minister for Public Works, Wellington. Secretary. Chamber of Commerce, Dunedin. To the Hon. James Macandrew, Minister for Public Works. The undersigned members of tho Dunedin Chamber of Commerce desire respectfully to bring under