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• AA torks. Total Net Ex- ! penditure to 80th June, 1878. Expenditure Total during Year Expenditure ended 30th to 30th June, June, 1879. 1879. Expenditure during three Months ended 30th September, 1879. Total Expenditure to 30th September, 1879. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 30th September, 1879; and Requirements for necessary Works. Total Expenditure and Liabilities on 30th September, 1879. Works. 1 See last Public 1 AVorks Statement Table No. 1. Railways ... ... ... ..,* Roads Payments made to Road Boards I £ s. d. 1 £ s. d. 6,818,853 11 8 819,280 14 1 703,826 9 3: 47,225 15 6 225,000 o o 10,835 8 o 394,661 10 5 20,964 18 1 50,000 00 £ s. d. 7,638,134 5 9 751,052 4 9 225,000 o o £ s. d. 245,653 10 8 23,399 o 10 £ s. d. 7,883,787 16 5' 774,451 5 7 225,000 o o £ s. d. 1,308,172 15 11 43,090 5 1 £ s. d. 9,191,960 12 4 817,541 10 8J 225,000 o o Railways. Roads. Payment made to Road Boards. Coal Exploration and Mine Development... 10,835 8 o 10,835 8 ol ... 10,835 8 o Coal Exploration and Mine Development. Water Supply on Gold Fields ... 415,626 8 61 6,174 4 5 421,800 12 11 16,246 13 1 438,047 6 oj Water Supply on Gold Fields. Aiding AVorks on Thames Gold Field 50,000 o oi ... 50,000 o o 1 ... I I I 50,000 o o Aiding Works on Thames Gold Field. Telegraphs ... 297>958 6 8 30,261 10 7 328,219 17 3 16,693 o 7 344,912 17 10 70,250 o o 415,162 17 10 Telegraphs. Public Buildings 283,631 2 7 166,045 4 8 71,673 3 6 9,566 19 8 47,324 5 3 168,070 8 8 "6,977 1 5 15,969 16 10 449,676 7 3 80,317 14 8 529,994 I II 219,105 o o 749,099 1 n Public Buildings. Lighthouses ... ... ... 81,240 3 2 1,007 14 11 82,247 18 I 2,000 o o 84,247 18 11 Lighthouses. Miscellaneous Public Works 215,394 13 11 29,744 2 1 245,138 16 o 87,381 4 3 332,520 o 3 Miscellaneous Public Works. Departmental 132,946 18 3 3,241 o 8 136,187 18 II 9,375 15 6 145,563 14 5 Departmental. Total .10,298,126 6 10 406,230 8 10 10,704,356 15 8 i,755,62i 13 10 12,459,978 9 6 Tota_. 9,020,740 18 91,277,385 8 i * This amount does not include the expenditure on Eaihvays by the late Provinces of Canterbury and Otago, which were valued : Immigration aud Public AVorks Loan, but were taken in reduction of the provincial debts. Note. —This is a Return of the Expenditure and Liabilities on account of Public Works only, but, to show the total expendil following items have to be added, viz.: — it £731,759 and £372,522 respectively, and were not paid for out of ,ure and liabilities on the Immigration and Public Works Loan, the Total Expenditure to 30th Sept., 1879. £ s. d. Immigration ... ,.. ... ... ... ... 1,801,962 17 7 Land Purchases ... ... ... ... ... 720,454 9 2 Contingent Defence ... ... ... ... ... 80,000 o o Charges and Expenses Raising Loan ... ... ... 554,269 16 3 Interest and Sinking Fund ... ... ... ... 218,500 o o Liabilities, &c, on 30th Sept., 1879. £ s. d. 97,063 o o 1,210,802 9 6 60,000 o o 3,375,i87 3 o Total on other Works, as per above Summary ... 10,704,356 15 8 3,375,i87 3 o !o,7o4,356 15 8 £i4,079,543 18 8 1,367.865 9 6 1.755.621 13 10 1,367,865 9 6 i,755,62i 13 10 Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Immigration and Publio £14,079,543 18 8 Works Loan, 30th September, 1879. Public "Works Department, 5th December, 1879. £3,123,487 3 4 £3.123,487 3 4 W. A. Thomas, Accountant, Public Worki.