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have little hope of a revival of the prosperity of past years. This Avill only be attained by enlarging the area of our cultivation, and affording every facility for the occupation of our lands by a far larger population than is now settled upon them. To the revival of immigration, and the encouragement of an influx of small capitalists, coupled with the active administration of our land laAVs, we must look, under existing circumstauces, for a re-establishment of confidence and a healthy pursuit of our industries, more perhaps than to the extension of works of a costly character, for which the funds may not be immediately available. The Estimates will slioav in detail our proposed appropriations under this head. In conclusion, Sir, I have only to add that I should have made this Statement much earlier in the session if there had been any certainty as to the funds which Avould be at our disposal. Even now I should have liked to defer making it for a fcAv days until the result of our application for the Five Million Loan had become knoAvn to us, but the advanced period of the session and of the year forbade any further delay. Sir, I have to thank you and the House for the patient attention which you have given me.

2—E. 1.