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PRE-EMPTIVE RIGHTS granted under the Waste Lands Regulations of the 1st April, 1856.

Original Number, Class III. Present Number, Class II. Original Area. Occupier. Number Area Area ; -^r/Jg of Pre- taken Pur- | p ur _ emptions. up. chased. \ c^3e^ 1 Remarks. 1 lA 413 433 Acres. 6,000 20,000 J. Pearson Executors of E. S. Dalgety ... H.P.E. 8 Imp. H.P.K. 20 Imp. Acres. 250 400 250 1,000 Acres. 250 100 250 670 Acres. 300 Wire-fencing. 330 Shepherds' huts and fencing. All sold ; license extinct. All sold ; license extinct. 2 3 6 late 164 20,000 20,000 20,000 6 Imp. 12 Imp. H.P.E. 22 Imp. 300 586 250 1,100 300 586 250 459 J. E. Gorton 641 Post-and-rail fencing, wirefencing. 7 298 7,000 E. H. Khodes H.P.E. 14 Imp. 14 Imp. H.P.E. 24 Imp. H.P.E. 8 Imp. 4 Imp. 4 Imp. 8 Imp. H.P.E. 36 Imp. H.P.E. 29 Imp. 1 Imp. H.P.E. H.P.E. 34 Imp. H.P.E. 2 Imp. H.P.E. 8 Imp. H.P.E. 14 Imp. H.P.E. H.P.E. 1 Imp. 1 Imp. 4 Imp. H.P.E. 18 Imp. 2 Imp. 22 Imp. H.P.E. 3 Imp. H.P.E. 7 Imp. 250 622 700 250 1,185 250 265 200 200 400 250 1,800 250 1,368 50 250 250 1,690 250 100 250 370 250 700 250 250 50 50 200 250 900 100 1,100 250 150 250 350 250 497 125 8 11 late 299 439 15,000 20,000 Mathias and Ensor Sheep-yards and fencing. Abandoned. 12 321 5,000 Mary Gebbie 250 948 90 125 200 237 160 140 Sheep-yards and fencing. Post-and-rail fencing. 13 14 15 16 397, 398 5,000 16,000 5,000 8,000 Knight and Wright 400 250 1,800 250 1,368 50 250 250 1,690 100 100 250 170 250 700 250 250 50 50 200 250 900 100 1,100 250 150 250 40 Abandoned. 420 Edward Chapman ... All sold ; license extinct. All sold ; license extinct. 17, now 776 18 19 20, now 776 22 12,000 John Hall late 231 16,800 10,000 20,000 All sold ; license extinct. All sold; license extinct. John Hall 182 10,000 Edward Eeece 150 23, now 731 24 20,000 G. Biitherford, jun. House and fencing. 200 382 10,000 A. Mills 25 26 410 25,000 10,000 T. Teschemaker Matheson's Agency 27 28a 29 136 134 431 10,000 5,000 10,000 E. M. Templar Eepresentatives of Gr. Douglas Thomas Ellis 30 31 32 323 20,000 25,000 6,000 Ehodes and Hay look Eepresentatives of C Meyer... J. T. Peacock 33 10,000 Eepresentatives of H. Phillips 310 Dwellinghouse, stockyard. fencing. All sold ; license extinct. 34 35 late 223 403 8,000 12,000 G. W.H.Lee 22 Imp. H.P.E. 25 Imp. 1,100 250 1,250 1,100 250 660 590 Post-and-rail fencing, wire' fencing. Wool-slied, fencing, &c. 37 37a 409 10,000 10,000 Matheson's Agency II. W. Qlarkton 8 Imp. HP. It. 10 Imp. H.P.E. 42 Imp. H.P.E. 2 1111)1. (J Imp. 31 Imp. H.P.K. 20 Imp. H.P.K. 17 Imp. H.P.E. 10 Imp. H.P.K. 3 Imp. 4 Imp. 10 Imp. 400 250 771 250 2,080 250 100 270 1,735 250 944 250 850 250 992 250 150 201 500 250 150 250 416 38 39 40 41 42 late 3G5 420 10,000 20,000 10,000 9,000 5,000 E. Cordy and Others ,T. Y. and J. Deans Edward Chapman ... 353 250 1,020 250 100 270 1,575 250 044 250 550 250 100 250 120 201 180 1,000 160 Wire-fencing, 5 wires. Boundary fence, 7 wires. All sold ; license extinct. All sold ; license extinct. All sold ; license extinct. Hut and stable. Wire-fencing, 5 wires. 44 438 10,000 A. Peache 300 45, now 747 46 20,000 William Saunders ... 892 Wire-fencing, 7 wires. 428 10,000 E. Westenra "so Wire-fencing. 47 48, now 777 49 428 10,000 5,000 E. Westenra Samuel Bealey 320 Wire-fencing, 5 wires. 50 51 53 54 56 386 297 20,000 10,000 10,000 6.000 10,000 5,000 Matheson's Agency Matheson's Agency n.p.E. 33 Imp. H.P.E. 14 Imp. 6 Imp. 7 Imp. 7 Imp. H.P.E. 3 Imp. 1 Imp. 250 1,538 250 700 300 350 350 250 150 50 250 1,538 250 700 300 350 350 250 150 50 All sold; license extinct. All sold ; license extinct. All sold ; license extinct. late 357 420 Edward Chapman ... All sold ; license extinct. 57 late 235 5,000