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Monday, 24th November, 1879. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present .- Mr. Bunny, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Masters, Mr. Eeid. Order of reference, dated 19th November, read. On the motion of Mr. Bunny, seconded by Mr. Macandrew, it was unanimously resolved that Mr. Eeid act as Chairman. The Clerk was directed to summon Mr. W. N. Blair, Engineer in Charge for the Middle Island, to give evidence at 12 noon on Tuesday, the 25th November, and to request him to produce before the Committee all papers, &c, connected with the Hokitika and Greymouth Eailway. To enable the latter to be done, the Clerk was also directed to request the Under Secretary for Public Works to furnish Mr. Blair with the necessary documents. On the motion of Mr. Bunny, the Committee then adjourned until 12 noon to-morrow.

Tuesday, 25th November, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present : Mr. Bunny, Mr. George, Hon. Mr. Gisborne, Mr. Masters, Mr. Eeid (Chairman), Mr. Seddon, Mr. Wood. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. W. N. Blair, Engineer in Charge for the Middle Island, attended and gave evidence before the Committee. (Vide Minutes of Evidence.) It was resolved that the Mayor and Town Clerk of Kumara be summoned by telegram to attend the Committee as early as possible to give evidence. The Clerk was directed to summon to attend the Committee at 12 noon on Monday, the Ist December, to give evidence : Mr. C. Y. O'Connor, District Engineer, Westland, and Mr. W. E. E. Brown, Eegistrar-General. On the motion of Mr. Seddon, the Committee then adjourned.

Tuesday, 2nd Decembeb, 1579. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Bunny, Hon. Mr. Gisborne, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Masters, Mr. McLean, Mr. Eeid (Chairman), Mr. Seddon. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. On the motion of Mr. Bunny, it was resolved that Mr. J. Bladier be informed, by telegram, that his evidence will not be required by the Committee. The following witnesses attended and gave evidence: Mr. W. E. E. Brown, Eegistrar-General, Mr. C. T. O'Connor. District Engineer, Westland. (Vide Minutes of Evidence.) The Clerk was directed to summon Mr. J. Wylde, Town Clerk, Kumara, to attend the Committee at noon to-morrow, to give evidence. The Committee then adjourned.

Wednesday, 3bd December, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Bunny, Hon. Mr. Gisborne, Mr. Masters. Mr. McLean, Mr. Eeid (Chairman), Mr. Seddon. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. James Wylde, C.E., Town Clerk and Engineer for the Borough of Kumara,J attended and gave evidence before the Committee. (Vide Minutes of Evidence.) On the motion of Mr. Seddon, it was resolved that the Chairman move in the House that permission be obtained from the Legislative Council for the Hon. Mr. Lahmann to attend and give evidence before the Committee at next meeting. The Committee then adjourned until to-morrow.

Thursday, 4th Dkcemisee, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present : Mr. Bunny, Hon. Mr. Gisborne, Mr. Eeid (Chairman), and Mr. Seddon. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Hon. Mr. Lahmann. M.L.C.. attended and gave evidence before the Committee. (Vide Minutes of Evidence. The Committee then adjourned.