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APPENDIX A. Alemoeandum for the Hon. the Telegraph Commissionee. In accordance with your instructions, I have made careful inquiry respecting telegrams addressed to members of the Government, laid before the House as Government telegrams, but which are said to have been paid for as private telegrams. I find that the whole of them reached AVellington as Government telegrams, and are marked " G.T." On tracing them back, it is found that Nos. 821, 294, 32, 18, and 223 a were originally presented as ordinary telegrams, but, being addressed to places from which Alinisters had left, had to be repeated on, and could only be so done as Government telegrams. Nos. 14 and 27 were presented as ordinary telegrams, but, through errors on the part of the operators in transmitting them, were received at the receiving station as Government telegrams. The most careful inquiry will be made into these errors, and the officers in fault properly dealt with. Under the above circumstances, I beg to request that the copies of the telegrams in question may be allowed to be withdrawn. New Zealand Telegraphs, Head Office, A. T. Maginnity, Wellington, 17th November, 1879. Assistant Secretary.

Memoeandum for the Hon. the SrEAKEE. Undee the circumstances here stated, I think the copies of tho telegrams mentioned should be withdrawn. If Air. Speaker does not consider himself authorized to allow this, perhaps ho will be good enough to send on this report to the Select Committee now sitting on the subject. John Hall, Acting Telegraph Commissioner.

These memoranda of the Premier and Air. Maginnity, the Assistant Secretary of the Telegraph Head Office, are submitted to the Committee appointed to consider the file of telegrams laid on the table of the House. G. Alaukice O'Roeke, 17th November, 1579. Speaker.

APPENDIX B. Memoeandum for the Chaieman, Election Telegrams Committee. New Zealand Telegraphs, Head Office, AVellington, 26th November, 1869. The total value of messages, copies of which have been laid before the Committee, amounts to £36 Bs. lOd. A. T. Maginnity, Assistant Secretary.

By Authority | Geobge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB79.

Price Is. 3d.]